technical dificulties

after math class, i went to the gym to pass the time till i had to go to work swimming. i swan 2.5 miles. 90 laps.

work was great. i managed to make $51. but i had to buy some wheat dinner rolls, and fill my gas tank. so i only have 20 left. but there was some trouble today at work. our air conditioner doesn't really work. the only reason it's somewhat cool in there is because of the frozen foods section. but the registers started to overheat, and froze. it was a mess. soon only 2-3 registers were working and there was a huge line of customers. maybe now the dumb people in charge will fix the air conditioner.

during a lapse in the wave of customers, dani and i were taking about who of all the guys were the cutest, and who were the best to hang out with. we both agreed that blond andrew(we have several andrews, so we tell them apart by thier hair color) was the cutest. but dani then told andrew that i thiught he was cute. i really really really wish she hadn't. i just wanted to run away and cry. he's never going to like me, i know this. so i just kept my opinion to myself. if he choses anyone, it's going to be dani. she's pretty, closer to his age(she's only a year older, i'm 2) and thinner. i'm short, slightly chubby, not that pretty, and my hairs really short. i knew when i got my hair cut guy short, that it probably wouldn't look good at all. but no one has ever been interested in me, and i highly doubt anyone ever will, so i just got it cut.

on my way to the gas station after work, i thought i saw one of the mikes( we have several of those to) walking along side the road. i've seen him before. when i had finished tanking up, he had caught up to the station. i pulled over, and asked what neighborhood he lived in. he lives in the one right next to mine, so i told him to het him, and i drove him there.

right now, there's a really cool show on the history channel on. it's called Life After People. it shows what would happen to our major cities and buildings and such, if people were suddenly to disaper. it's realy cool.
