
i hate trying to think of titles. at the gym today, my legs protested so much. i was only able to manage 13 minutes on the bike. then i walked down to where mom and her friend meleody was, and chatted with them. i managed to convince mom to let me skip math class to go to lunch with her and the others. i told her i'd do my math after. but it sucked. i was so bored. and when i got home, i got out my math book, and fell asleep. i tried some problems when i woke up, and failed. word problems. they suck.

last night, mom took my water bottle, and put in the dishwasher. said it needed a bath, and that there was another one just like it in the cupboard. i got it out, and the only difference was that it had a green lid, and mine was all blue. but i love my blue waterbottle. it goes everywhere with me. gym, library, class, work, shopping, and i keep it beside me at home to. so when mom left early this morning, i put the green lid one in the dishwasher, and got out my blue one. mom will never know. and it;s not like i never clean it. every other day i get the dish rag, and some dish soap, and scrub the thing.

last night, i was reading one of the old cat magazines my grandma gave me. it's from 1996. in the back it had a speech from President Socks, who was Clintons pet cat. i thought it was so cute. so i decided to type it up here. i heard about a month back, that he's real old now, and is battleing cancer. poor kitty. but here it is.
I have an announcement. I'm no longer content to sit back and be First Cat,so I'm throwing my collar into the presidential ring as a member of the new Litter-ary Party.
My sister and I were left out in the cold in the wintr of 1990. A kindly woman took us in, and I eventually ended up in the govenor's mansion.
Not a lot of thouht went into my name . . . although President Socks does have a certain ring to it.
There have been times I've been forced to claw my way to the top-most recently on the drapes inthe Lincoln bedroom.
I've already had a vigorous financial impact. Within the first few months of my residency at the White House, merchandise with my pawprint or likeness on it was bringing in megabucks to the country's kitty . . . er, economy.
In only five weeks, for example, the Inaugural Memorabilia store in our nation's capitol sold a thousand Socks t-shirts at $18 each-that's a lot of kibble. Books by, about and for me have continued to keep cash registers purring, and cat magazines clamor for interviews constantly. So I'm not scrounging for scraps; I can certanly earn my keep.
I promise I will not pussyfoot around the issues. Anyone who's seen me hunt squirrels on the White House lawn can vouch for my cunning, persistence and patience.
Unlike previous presidential siblings, my sister Midnight will not be an embarresment to my campaign. Yes, I have tried catnip, but I didn't inhale. Anyway, it's legal.
So what if I'm not a pedigree? THe domestic shorthair is a very intelligent breed-and I have street smarts to boot.
The First Cat is tired of playing second fiddle to Bill and Hilary; I want to be a cat with clout. My fur-coated colleagues, together we can play a powerful part in the future of this great country.
What are the issues? We need tougher dog control laws and an end to wasting mice and rats in research labratories.
So remember me on election day and please scratch in your support.
is it a bad thing that i think a cat would be a more efficient and get things done better as president than a human?
External Image
President Socks
External Image
President Clinton with President Socks
