find a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck

yesterday, after i had collected the stuff needed for my math class, i was about to head to class, when i noticed a penny in some gravel. it was heads up. heather always told that was extra good. if she ever found a penny that was tails up, she would flip it, and leave it. she said so that the next person who found it would have good luck.

my favorite radio station is giving away tickets. on saterdays, a nearby miniture ammusment park/arcade place does an adult swim type thing. they have a pool, and lazy river i was told. it's 9:30pm to 1am. and there's alcohol. you get 5 tickets, but have to 21 or up, obviously, cause there's alcohol. i decided to try to get them for mom and her friends, i'm only 18. but i kept trying yesterday, and failing, till 11. at first i was caller 1. i hung up, waited a moment, and redialed. I WON!!!! i pretended to be mom, giving them her name and bday. then i ran into mom's room and told her. i went to put my phone back into my pocket, and felt the penny. yes, definatly good luck. mom and 4 of her friends chose the july 11th saterday.

didn't go to the gym this morning. i decided to stay home and work on my french. when i got home after math class, i headed to the bx. i needed a cooling device for underneath my laptop. my desk in the corner of my room has zero signal, so i lay on my bed facing the door. slightly better. but being on the bed causes the laptop to overheat on the bottom. mom and dad have coolers, so i went and got one. yet another cord to add to the tangled mess.

managed to keep samie away from mindy this morning. i let the boys up, and they ate breakfast upstairs, mindy stayed in the laundry room(which aslo doubles as the cat's bedroom) and ate her breakfast enclosd in there. that way she was gaurded from the boys, could eat in peace, andhave access to her potty and water and not be disturbed, then i let her up, and made sure she went straight to our room. i had to keep my door open to get signal for the laptop, so i had to chase sammie away when he tried to sneak in. i threw a garment of clothing at him once, and my handheld french english dictionary at bogart. a] i told them the next one to be naughty was going to get a textbook tossed at them. i haven't seen them since.
