
when i got to the gym this morning, i realized i didn't have my zune. which meant to music while on the eliptical. so i decided to just watch the news. and i went at a slower medium tempo, since i didn't have my fastpaced music. and i actually managed to stay on the evil machine for and hour and ten minutes. i did 5 miles.

last night mom told me that the plane air france that had gotten lost, that wrechage had been found, and that there were no suvivors. there were 228 people on that plane. 228! and maybe 6/7 kids. i feel so sad. today there was a ceremony for family and friends in the notre dame cathedral in paris. 228 people. so many. T.T i pray for for all the family and friends, and that those who died hopefully didn't have a slow painful death.

had to take ryan and his friend to the weight training class. i then went to the library next door. i found tench muyo, read the first 2 volumes, and then checked out 3-6. i'm on 5 now, and nearly finished. when i went to work i took 4 and 5 with me, to pass the time. i also got a book on disk. Dewey. it's about a cat named dewey who lives in a library.

lost my id card today. i was trying to find it, cause i can't get onto the base to get to work without it, but couldn't for the life of me remember where i had last put it.ryan thought maybe i had thrown it away accidently with my burger king trash. but then mom remembered that i had had a doctors appointment on moday(the day i last saw it). i had totally forgotten about that. i found the pants i had worn to the doctors, and there it was, in the pocket. i ended up being an hour late to work though, but i still made good tips. but i can be such a ditz when it comes to remembering where i put something.

go to this site, it's hilarious. make sure to press the big red button.

