passed the test

Today I subbed in my favorite middle school for a spanish teacher, and we watched a movie/documentary on kids that are migrant workers. It was quite interesting.

On Tuesdays after school I have a Spanish class. The community college in my area gets a grant and offers Spanish classes to teachers for free. I was super excited when I found out cause we have a lot of Spanish speaking students in the district, especially ones with limited English. But this level one class is just 'here's 20 phrases we think are useful for teachers. Memorize them.' So there's no grammar, no actual learning Spanish. The teacher says something and wants us to repeat what she says. For 2 hours. Super boring. But today was the oral exam of our 20 phrases, and I passed with 18/20. The two I got wrong was just because I just slightly pronounced a word wrong, I did know the phrase. But I got a Spanish grammar workbook froma friend to learn actual Spanish and am working on that now. Everyone else is regurgitating whatever the teacher is saying, I'm ignoring them and actually truing to learn.
