It was fun until . . . .

So I got to go back to sleep this morning after my alarm, I love that about saterdays. I would love to just sleep in and not have an alarm, but Mindy has to be medicated at 5:00 in the morning and afternoon, every day. So after getting her done I got to snuggle back into bed for a few hours before I had to get up to meet mom. We meet every saterday morning to swim and sauna. The pool was cold when we first got there though! Mom told me yesterday that when she was there the that the water was nice and warm, but today it wasn't. Burrrr. But we still managed to tough it out for about 90 minutes.

After swim and shower I managed to convince mom to go grocery shopping with me. Today was my monthly meal shopping trip, best day of the month. I get to pick out new meals to munch, and pick up some snacks. The end of the month always sucks though. Being broke with only a few things in the fridge/pantry to scrounge together.

After shopping it was off to mom's house to have lunch and groom her 4 cats. She loves hee cats, but is too lazy to groom them. So once or twice a month I come over to brush fur, trim claws, de-mat, and wet wipe them all down, and get paid for it. But her youngest, Gus, his mane is growing back so quickly. In a few weeks I'm going to have to take him to a professional groomer to fet it trimmed down.

Tonight my plans are laundry, cleaning the apartment, and tv. Relax at home in my empty, quiet apartment. My friend just was with me for an entire month, visiting from tennessee and to go to the anime convention with me. And I dearly love my friend, but her being my 'roommate' for a month reminded me as to why I don't have a roommate or a spouse/significant other. I love my quiet apartment and living by myself with just my old kitty.
