still at school, but oh well

So I suppose I shouldn't be posting now, seeing as how school hasn't let out for the day, but I'm a bit bored. The class I'm sub teaching right now is in the computer lab working on a power point project for a bit, then we're heading back to the classroom to watch a movie to end the day. Today was supposed to be an easy day, but it had a hectic start. I talked to the teacher I'm subbing for today yesterday, and she said she had first block plan so I didn't need to worry about coming in early to go over the lesson plans. So I didn't, and when I got her the office was freaking out. Not because I wasn't here early like usual, but because they had a TON of other teachers call out sick this morning and no one to take their classes. So they asked me to do some extra coverage. I agreed, but then what I had been expecting to be an easy start to the day wasn't because I had to head up to the other teacher's classroom to get set up. And they left me no plans for the class. Joy. So I snagged a movie (Dirty Jobs season 5), and had them relax.

Tonight I'm going to meet up with my parents to see the movie 33 that comes out tonight. Then bed, I'm tired from this week. Movie then snuggles with my kitty for tonight.
