magical pickles

i was so upset yesterday, i forgot to tell you guys about the pickles. they arrived when i was at the museum with daivid, but i had told my mom not to open them till i got home, i wanted to see the cats reactions. the cats attacked the package and tried to chew it open. the pickles are 6 inch knitted tubes stuffed completly with high grade organic catnip. the cats mauled me as soon as i got home, desperate for the pickles. but there's only 2 pickles, and 4 boys, so there was some fur flying when they started fighting over them.

and yesterday, two of the books i ordered arrived. lil bub's book and henri le chat noir's book. so between that and the second harry potter book, i was entertained.

today i worked, but on the weekend management and the vampires aren't here, so it's quiet and peaceful. i got a lot of drawing done. i think i'll do one more practice drawing tomorrow, then start the comic. but before work i went to donut professor and got 2 dozen donuts, i had a coupon, for myself, my brother, and my coworkers. the housekeepers were so happy. they tried to give me dollars for their donuts but i told them no. management works them to the bone so they deserved some donuts.

i plan on going to ashley's house tonight. and it's super nice outside today, so i'm going to make her walk. i want to go to the artstore again and restock my calligraphy supplies for the comic. and maybe we'll go to the park by her house too.
