bowling league and motion sickness

since i only had one morning class today (painting) i decided to ride the bus to school today to save gas. mom offered to drive to the bus stop, so i didn't have to drive at all today. but about 1/2 way to school, i started feeling slightly nauseas. i get motion sickness in a car really easy if i'm not driving. and even when i am the one driving i feel ill sometimes. it's a good thing i got more dramamine after work last week. i'm going to have to take one before hopping on the bus tomorrow. i don't have a late class tomorrow (just art/science of teaching and printmaking).

the parents, my brother and i decided to go bowling this afternoon. while we were there, one of the workers there (who i call little twerp, in an affectionate way), commented on the fact that he sees us there frequently. he asked if we would like to join the mini bowling league they were starting tonight. it's just 10 weeks long, every wednesday night. for 12 dollars you get your shoes, three games, a whole pizza, and a pitcher of soda or beer. dad and i were all for it. we love bowling, and have both been on leagues before (although when i was on a league i was 6/7 years old, so i'm not sure if that counts). mom and ryan here hesitant. mom just tarted bowling a few months ago, and neither her or ryan are all that good (plus mom's left wrist is in a cast, fractured it a month ago ice skating). but they're not horrible. plus, it's not like dad and i are all that great either. but we talked them into it, and joined the league. i had a blast. and i'm sure all four of us will be great bowlers at the end of the 10 weeks.

---on a side note, i have to tell you guys this. i'm in a night class (life drawing). i hate this class, i hate drawing people. but we draw live models in this class. live nude models. live nude male models. kind of awkward. though we did have a female model last week. it's really weird.
