pinched nerve?

this morning, when i went to put my backpack on my back, it kinda got caught on my hand, and i felt a pinch, and the left side of my right hand went numb. then, a little bit later, i sat down to work on my book, and my hand was sore. i had the hardest time holding the pencil, and drawing the straight lines i need for my book. i'm probably going to have to go back and redo those letters.

class let out early, but work said they didn't need anymore baggers. so i came home and took something for my hand, and started working on my book again. i've done more edits to the story. but the good news is i'm nearly done with the rough draft! i should be done by the end of the week. then i can finally start the actual piece i will turn in.

but now i'm going to go to the gym. later christie is supposed to meet me there, and lift weights with me. then it's survivor on tv tonight, so mom is making homemade pizza, and some pb+chocolate cookies. my favorite dinner ever!
