i don't feel good

the past few mornings, i've been super nasueas. i suspected that it was cause of the meds i was taking, they're supposed to be taken on an empty stomach. so today i decided to take a break from them, and i ate a bland breakfast. my stomach was only slightly queasy.

so the day started off good. but towards the end of my second glass i started getting sleepy and a headache. so on my 2 hour break i decided to nap in my car. i thought i was just tired. but it didn't help. so i left my third class as soon as i could and came home. i took something for my headache and another nap. but my head is still pounding a little. and mom got made cause i came home early. she always gets moody and angry when someone comes home early. she always complains she never gets a whole day to herself. well, i'd much rather not deal with her moody-ness. if i wasn't feeling sick, i would have stayed away from her. sorry for being sick.
