very very late spring cleaning

today i've decided to clean my room. i cleared the piles of junk off my dresser, untangled the moutain of cords in my corner, put away my art supplies, and reorganized my bookshelves. i have a few more things scattered on my floor that need to be put away, but i'll get to them.

mom and dad left yesterday morning for the weekend to bike the wabash trace trail. they biked 45 miles apporximatly saterday, stayed the night at a hotel then biked back home today. so ryan and i had the house to ourselves. i did a whole lot of nothing. the highlight of my day was in the evening. i watched the phineas and ferb movie, which i thouroughly enjoyed. there was a lot more to the movie than i was expected. it kept me completly engaged the whole time. and i watched planet of the apes too. it was good. i was expecting more, but it was alright. the only thing that frustrates me is that i didn't catch any of the characters names. i think the main character was neil, and the villian thane. but i have a hard time hearing movies. i prefer to watch them with subtitles on. when i went to see the 4th pirates i didn't understand a thing that barbossa said. i understood the basis of what he ment by his tone of voice and body language, but i couldn't catch his words. i wish i could hear better.
