and i'm back

thanks for all the encouraging words you guys. they made me smile and help ease my nerves. i managed to get into the 2 classes i need to be in. so i won't be loosing my id card, or my job. except now i will only be able to work on sundays, so i might not be able to teach sunday school anymore. which greatly saddens me.

now i just need to buy textbooks. but i bought a kindle today because it will be easier to have ebooks and just carry a little kindle than a bunch of textbooks. now i just have to wait for the thing to charge so i can try and use it.

work was frustrating today. there is a fellow bagger named lynn. and all the other baggers hate her. some with an intense fiery passion. i used to be friends with her, i thought she was nice. but lately she has been severly testing my nerves. she is rude and bossy and snaps at me. she starts fights, and when somebody else is having a disagreement she insists on butting in to take part int he disagreement when it doesn't involve her at all. i've been civil so far, i sincerly don't want to hurt her feelings.

i want ashley to come back. she's gone on a 2 week vacation to visit her family. at first it was nice not having somebody chasing after my heels. but then lynn started following me around, and sean bugs me more because he misses ashley. i can't stand sean either. he's violent, racist and only like sexual jokes. but when i have ashley they leave me alone. and i miss my friend. i hope she returns soon.
