screaming toddler

mom wanted to go grocery shopping this morning, but had to have help since we have halie. i went with her. we put halie in one of the carts that has a car attached to the front.

went swimming after math. my ankles didn't hurt as much. now it's the top of my foot. but i think they rubbed a sore on my left foot.

when i tried to get out of the pool, i first tried to hoist myself up and out over the wall, but i'm to short, and not strong enough, and fell back into the water. so i had to swim across the lanes to the stairs.

when i got home, and mom, ryan and halie returned fromthe public pool, halie decided to glue herself to me. she found my stash of cat magazines in the bathroom. i keep them there for when i'm sick. reading them helps to distract me from the pain. but she insisted on going through each one, and point out every cat pic. joy. then left them all over the entrance to my room(which she later slipped on in her rush of energy).

finally i got a break when my mom gave her a bath. i was laying here with mindy, and she was bathing herself, when she snorted. and sprayed all ove my arm. yuck. i yelled at her that that was gross, and then told her to go lay someplace else. she sprayed snot all over my arm, disgusting.

i'm so proud of myself. i've been working on my nocturnal habits. few nights ago, i managed to get into bed 1:30, the next night, 12:30, last night, 11:30. i'm shooting for 11:00 tonight. i remember when i used to have to get up for school in the morning, and went ot bed at 9. that seems like so long ago.
