HELLOs. MintIceCream here(MIC for short) tis a world about me, and the crazy antics of my 5 cats that just love to drive me nuts.

Job-substitute teacher
i recently graduated from college with a BS degree in education, certified for art (I'm an art teacher). i currently sub teach while i shop for a job in my content area.

Mindy-my cat, she's a white cat with tabby splotches all over. She's 15 years old, nonsocial, phychotic, and crazy. But i love her all the same.

Texa-my dad's cat primarily, he has a tuxedo style coat. black with a white strip down his belly, on his paws, and the lower half of his face. he's also a manx(no tail) and very talkative. a gentle giant, very lovable, although he doesn't really like me to well. he's 11 years old. (he's also kind of a cranky old @$$)

Bogart-mom's cat. and mine sometimes. the very fat one of our family. he's 7 year old. a brown tabby who loves to raise chaos. he loves to terrorize the adults, and chew on everything. he's also a big pig and will eat anything. even though he's my mom's cat, he loves everyone. he's quite the ladies man. he prefers the company of women over men.

Sammie-Ryan's cat. 7 year old. he is all gray, with thick soft fur. the sweetest cat in the whole world. he isn't all that smart though, and kinda slow. definatley not our brightest bulb, but we love him all the same. he will do anything for a tidbit of human food, so i have managed to teach him a few tricks. his favorite food is gold fish. we try to tell him it's not a real fish, but he doesn't believe us.

Augustus (GUS for short)- everyone's cat. the newest addition to our family, we rescued him from a cousin who should be banned from owning animals. he was 5 weeks old when we got him, so tiny. he's now 3 years old. he is a miniture norwegian forrest cat. all black, orange eyes, and EXTREMLY fluffy. he is the baby of the family, and res1sident ninja/trouble-maker. he is also quite dog like. he will sit and shake paws for a treat, likes to play fetch, loves meeting new people, and go for walks on a leash and harness.

anyways, have fun, and enjoy the power of the minty-ness.

today has been better

when i got up this morning i had to scrub and soak mindy's kennel while also trying to get ready. monday i have my practicum, so i have to dress in professional attire, and look like a real teacher. but thank goodness i don't believe in wearing make up, cause if i would've had to do that as well, i would have been really late.

but the teacher let me do more today. i went over the bell work at the start of class, and get the story project started. next week i get to start working with a small group on reading and letters. i can't wait!

after that, i headed straight to a pharmacy to get the flu shot like i promised dad i would. being around so many kids (aka germ factories) the flu shot is a necessity for me. when i got home dad checked my arm. but i managed to get my lecture on glaciers done, and the short essay due tomorrow as well. and i got half my car cleaned. i used a wet wipe on the plastic and pulled out all my trash. and i reorganized my stuffed animals. this weekend i defiantly need to vacuum though. yuck. but dad kept nagging me about cleaning my trunk. but there's nothing in my trunk! in order to get into my i have to jump through hoops to impress my car. now why would i go through that voluntarily every time i wanted in my trunk for something? so i opened my trunk and stunned dad with the fact that it was empty. no, i use my passenger seat as a storage space. nobody ever rides with me anyway.


so i went to the festival yesterday. it was about covered bridges. which, for those who might not know, is a bridge with a roof. my parents said they were beautiful, each was unique. that it was going to be a wonderfully fun day. but it was STUPID and BORING! they were just ordinary bridges with roofs, and each was the same. so i got out and looked at one, then stayed in the car for the other 6. there were 7 of the dumb things, and my stupid parents just had to look at every single one.

usually saterday is the 1 day i have to relax out of the whole week. i spend all day in bed getting all my homework done, then hang out with ashley in the evening. but instead i spent it crammed into a vehicle with my brother and 6 old people (yes, 8 people all in 1 car) looking at dumb bridges. so i lost my relax day, and am behind on homework.

to make things worse, my alarm didn't go off this morning. so i barely was able to make it to work this morning. which means i wasn't able to get my chores done first. so mindy will have to wait till tomorrow for a clean kennel, and i had to vacuum after work. so i spent all day working at the grocery store, then the evening doing childcare. i come home to find dishes in the sink. dad swears he's going to do them, but i doubt it. they weren't even able to put their plates in the dishwasher!! i don't mind having to wash pots, but they could at least rinse their own plates and forks. and i was supposed to go get the flu shot with my brother this morning, but wasn't able to, so dad's mad at me. i'm going to get it tomorrow, so i don't know why he's throwing such a tantrum. i had to go to work! i didn't have time to go to the pharmacy!

he say we are going to clean our cars tomorrow, but i'm not until my homework is finished and i clean mindy's kennel, which means i probably won't have time for my car, which will piss him off. but homework comes first, and mindy. she needs a clean bed and kennel.

and to top things off, i've lost my uncle. i knew he liked a beer every now and then, but i found out yesterday that he is actually an alcoholic. he got drunk and totaled his truck. they had to use the jaws of life to rescue him. he has some broken bones, ribs and punctured lung. because he drove drunk again he and my aunt broke up. they've been together for 15 years, so i consider him family. but yesterday morning he left to stay with family in colorado. he's not coming back. i lost my uncle.

poor sick kitties

my kitties have upset stomachs. yesterday bogart threw up a lot. though he often does when he eats to much kibble. i think he has a qluten or wheat allergy, he has a sensitive stomach. but today it was mindy that was sick. texa was a couple of days ago. so far sammie (with his iron stomach) is the only one that hasn't caught the bug. so now i'm giving my sick kitty plenty of cuddles before i have to leave for the festival. i'm going to the covered bridge festival today.

no school!!!!

today the teacher for the 1 class i have on fridays had a conference he was invited to speak at. so he posted our quiz online and told us no class. so i got to go to work today! i've missed working all day at the grocery store. and i got to go to my gym instead of the school gym. i hate the gym at school. i suspect that normal gyms are run the same way unfortunately. i like my gym better, it's not a normal gym. and at work, patra (our supervisor) wasn't there today, sue filled in for her. this way fantastic. because sue doesn't know that christie (my sister) and i aren't allowed to talk when there's a customer (she's a cashier and i'm a bagger). a few months ago we were talking and a customer got upset that she wasn't the center of attention and complained to cash control. CC yelled at christie, i got yelled at by patra, and now we can't talk to each other. but sue doesn't know this, so we talked lots. it was nice.

and now i have lots of homework to do. for the lesson plan i wrote (on glaciers, by the way), i decided that if i were to get up and teach it, i would do a lecture using power point. so now i need to go through the section in my teacher's manual, get the info i would use in a real lecture, and make a power point. i'm not sure if my teacher wants this done, but i'm going to do it anyway, to cover all my bases. i printed up a pre-test i would have given my class too, like i said in my lesson plan. but ashley wants me to come over and hang out tonight, because we haven't been able to the last 2 weeks, and we can't tomorrow because i'm going to a festival. so i need to hurry up and get the power point done by 7:30 latest so i can try to make it to her house before bed time.

does anyone else hate the red squiggly lines theO now has to spell check us? cause i despise those squiggly red lines.

how time flies

i had my three classes today. and i had to work on my group project. but today was the sewing of the top of the cloth so we can slide a tension rod in it. i, being the only member with sewing experience, was in charge. i gave the 1 member who is nice to me a needle and showed her what to do, and together we sewed. it was nice. the other member, who is a major jerk, i completly ignored. he stood there for nearly a whole hour, bored and frustrated. he kept trying to offer suggestions and ask questions. and i ignored him, just like he ignored me. it felt nice to be the one in charge. i've discovered why i don't work well in group projects. i have a very dominate personality. i have to be the one in charge. not always of everything, but something. which is great considering i want to be a teacher. i need to take charge and control my classroom. but bad when i have to work in a team.

i meant to just be on theO for a few minutes tonight, then work on homework. i look at the clock, and it's 9:30, i still need to pack my bag for work tomorrow, finish packing my lunch, put my cat to bed (once i find where she is hiding) and go to bed. so it looks like i'll be doing my homework tomorrow.