Somedays, it is better if you don't wake up...

To an empty house... my mother left before I woke up this morning, last night she came home after I had gone to bed, I haven't seen her for over 24 hours... probably going on 32... It's so sad...
Anna ni issho datta no ni...
And now.. She's busy, with her bf, her gym...
And I'm all alone...
I finished my chemistry homework... mostly... I've cleaned, done laundry, dishes, etc... and I know when she gets home she'll be grumpy.
Some days suck, may as well practice guitar before watching Precious for my psychology paper...
The best thing that has happened this week was recieving my Pokemon for easy piano in the mail :D Then I remembered my brother broke my keyboard... so, I shall try messing around with those chords and notes on the guitar :D
Good thing I have my guitar, I don't know what I would do without it some days...
Or I could finish my entry for that elements challenge... Hrm...
Choices, choices...
Anyways, signing off!
