So Much To DO

There is so much to do in a day!
Write 1,667 words, go to school, go to work, do homework, read the Edible Woman for the Book Club, walk the dog, clean, cook... guitar?
I haven't touched my guitar since school started T.T I don't have time!! I am on the go from 6:00 in the morning until 11:00 at night... It is no good! The only buddy of mine who has started coming over on a regular friday evening basis shall arrive tonight after supper. Thank goodness! I need a break!
I also need this guitar book I found at the used book store I work at. A bunch of female popish songs for easy guitar, piano, and vocals? I'll take it! I need money to do that though. I gave the last of my money to mother for rent stuff, and then to the book club (as a holder in case I loose the book). ARGH! I could touch my savings but that isn't going to happen!
Argh! University! Choices, choices. French Teaching? Thanantology? English? Classical Studies? Psych? Soc? I dunno T.T
Anyways best get back to doing my daily life... running around xD
