Locker Resolution!

So I ended up taking some other kid's locker. The office said I could... I was frustrated... but whatever.
We also had mass today :D (Go to a Catholic school btw). And I walk to school normally... but they were bussing everyone to the cathedral! GO FIGURE! WHAT ABOUT ME! Luckily I don't live too far from it...
Would have been good to know AHEAD OF TIME so I didn't have to rush there and run red lights and stuff to make it on time... Oh well.
Overall... school is tough. NO time to draw. I GO TO SCHOOL CHECK THEO AND THEN TO WORK AND THEN HOMEWORK, EXERCISE MYSELF AND THE DOG THEN BED! I could hypothetically cut out exercise time... but then I couldn't fall asleep ;)
We'll see... I've got a long weekend, maybe I'll draw something then!
