
Hi everyone!
Remember when I said I was buying a lock for my locker? Why would we? Well... IT HAS BEEN TAKEN OVER BY SOME FOREIGN LOCK! And I have a lot of text books and pop tabs to store in there!!!!!!
So I'm frustrated with that. So don't mind my little rant there.
The office is being useless as usual...
Don't mind that rant either.
We were going to have a lab today in chemistry :D I was looking forward to that! However, a fire drill was schedualed and as we had to monitor our chemical reactions... we couldn't do it...
Turns out the school decided not to do the firedrill today, they wanted us to do it in the rain tomorrow! So we did half the lab! Which wasn't tooooo horrible. I made friends I think. :S

So yup. That's all for now!
Don't give up guys! We can make it through school!

A new song by simple plan to get us through the year!!!
