Everyone enter into the world where all are welcome. This will become a place of thoughts, stories, and who knows what else...

Day 03

Your favorite mangaka

So day 3 happens to be your favourite mangaka. I know technically I should be further ahead however, life has been crazy.
I digress. My favourite mangaka would have to be Rumiko Takahashi.

She is the author of Inuyasha and Rinne to name a few... I must thank YTV who aired Inuyasha for a long time. It took a lot of convincing for my mother to let me watch it...
Luckily though, I learned in high school that manga is better than anime... And I must thank the public library for carrying so much manga! And of course my good friends itachisasuke, autumngirl14, and samuraidynasty for always recommending awesome manga :D

30 Day Challenge Day 02

Your favourite manga.

Okay, this is a really hard choice... I did narrow it down to two choices (by two o'clock in my time zone.... But I finally made the decision, as much as I love Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind... the first place would have to go to Natsume Yujin Cho! In English, Natsume's Book Of Friends.

I find the pictures absolutely beautiful, and the story line is amazing, and the character's all have their own flaws... and and and... I just love it. So I must give autumngirl14 a large thank you for giving me the first three volumes to the series! I've been hooked for a long while now... And the third season of the anime is coming out in the summer! Look out for it!!

Day 01

01. Your very first anime/manga

My very first anime... I am pretty sure would have to be Sailor Moon.
I remember I would get up at 2:00 a.m. in the morning to be sure not to miss it before I went to school... I would watch infomercials in the meantime... Believe me I was convinced Oxyclean would work!!! I guess that was my first obsession xD

As for my first manga... that would have to be Tsubasa, in Grade 8 a girl in the class was showing off the first volume of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles by CLAMP and she informed me I would hate it because it was similar to a comic book. I had nothing against comic books.... I don't know what her problem was.... I thought the images were beautiful! Then I became hooked ;)

30 Day Challenge

Hello everybody,
It's been a while I know, but moving and life and school have been hectic. So I logged on to TheO today and checked out my bestie's (Itachisasuke's) world and saw the 30 Day Challenge, and I couldn't help but want to do it to! So I'll post what the challenges are and hopefully you guys will do it with us :D

01. Your very first anime/manga
02. Your favorite manga
03. Your favorite mangaka
04. A character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)
05. A manga you would recommend to everyone
06. Your favorite character
07. A manga you disliked enough to stop reading
08. The most annoying character
09. A manga you’d like to see more of
10. A manga that makes you fluffy and happy when you read it
11. Your first anime crush
12. A manga you used to love but don’t anymore
13. The most epic scene ever
14. A manga that makes you cry. EDIT: A manga you never really liked
15. The saddest scene
16. A manga that isn’t licensed but SHOULD be. EDIT: A manga you feel you should read but can't
17. A manga that you feel embarrassed about liking
18. Favorite BL/yuri couple
19. A manga that you disliked at first but came to enjoy later on
20. A manga you started out enjoying but ended up not liking as much
21. A manga that deserves more recognition
22. A manga you wish didn’t exist
23. Best anime villain
24. The best long manga series
25. The best manga oneshot
26. The last manga you read
27. A manga you would never buy
28. A manga you think is so brilliant it’s like literature
29. A manga you read that was just plain weird
30. Your favorite anime opening/ending theme

Life is good

Life is getting better. My dad made it home today. He will be having nurses come and check in on him though for a while. It made me really glad to live in Canada with this health care system.
I'm feeling slightly better too, after the rain this afternoon the throbbing in my head went away :D (I had to get wet first though.)
Also had a boy in one of my classes made a Pokemon card of me :D :D :D It was very amusing.
It is strange that life is such a crazy insane roller coaster...
Also I must add before I sign off... BLUE EXORCIST IS SOOO COOL! WATCH IT NOW!