OC tag

Stole it. I is Bored.

1) Choose 5 of your OCs
2) Make your OCs answer these questions.
3) Tag 5 other people.
4) Add one question of your own.

OCs on this interview:


1) Do you want a hug?

Ame: *glomps*
Haru: eheheheheh, why not? ^-^'
Korosu: No.
Raine: Sure!
Max: I'll pass, thank you though!

2) Are you a virgin?

Ame: Wouldn't you like to know :P
Haru: *stares at Ame* yes, I would....
Korosu: Pass.
Raine: That's a very touchy subject for me....
Max: I'd rather not say.

3) Do you have any kids?

Ame: nope.
Haru: I might want one in the future.
Korosu: heh, you're kidding right?
Raine: maybe one day <3
Max: nope

4) Have you killed anyone?

Ame: to save the ones I loved.
Haru: more than I'd want to say....
Korosu: Plenty, I gotta eat somehow.
Raine: No, never!
Max: I thought about it once.

5) Do you hate anyone?

Ame: Rose.
Haru: Rose.
Korosu: Rose.
Raine: James
Max: James

6) Love anyone?

Ame: *blushes*
Haru: *blushes*
Korosu: I do...
Raine: Very much!
Max: *hugs Raine* same

7) Do they love you back?

Ame: *blushes darker*
Haru: I hope so
Korosu: I don't think so
Raine: Of course!
Max: Yep!

8) What is your job?

Ame: Nothing really
Haru: Cellist
Korosu: Don't have one
Raine: I'm...a servant...
Max: Servant...

9) Any special powers?

Ame: Shapeshifting! *turns into a fox*
Haru: Not really
Korosu: Spells are my specialty
Raine: Nope, just a human!
Max: Nope.

10) Favourite season?

Ame: Autumn
Haru: Winter
Korosu: Winter
Raine: Spring
Max: Spring

11) Who's your best friend?

Ame: Everyone in the clan <3
Haru: same as Ame <3
Korosu: My books.
Raine: Samantha
Max: Sam

12) Hobbies?

Ame: Violin and Piano
Haru: Cello
Korosu: Reading
Raine: Reading
Max: a little bit of Piano

13) What are you going to do when this tag is over?

Ame: Save my kingdom!
Haru: Fight a war
Korosu: Fight a war
Raine: Plan my escape
Max: Help Raine escape

14) What is your eye colour?

Ame: Emerald Green
Haru: Sapphire Blue
Korosu: Gray
Raine: Green
Max: Light Blue

15) Are you good? Or bad?

Ame: Good.
Haru: Good.
Korosu: Good, even though people think I'm bad.
Raine: Good
Max: Good

16) What is your greatest fear?

Ame: dying
Haru: losing someone...
Korosu: nothing.
Raine: nothing, the worst of the worst has already happened.
Max: dying, too.

17) What do you think of your parents?

Ame: I miss them so much
Haru: Didn't really care...
Korosu: I hate them.
Raine: I miss them...
Max: I could care less

18) Any siblings?

Ame: nope.
Haru: Aijo and Hametsu
Korosu: nope
Raine: She died really young
Max: no

19) Give one fact that most people don't know about you.

Ame: I'm a picky eater.
Haru: I'm an open book, I guess.
Korosu: I'm not what you think.
Raine: I was wanting to write a book
Max: nothing really, I'm pretty open.

20) How do you feel about your creator?

Ame: She's like me! So, I love her!
Haru: She's ok, she could have done better on me
Korosu: I wish she didn't have a crush on me (me: shut up!) Make me >:)
Raine: I wish she could have picked a better role for me
Max: I think she's nuts.

21) Do you have any weaknesses?

Ame: I'm a klutz
Haru: Ame.
Korosu: Ame.
Raine: I faint easily...
Max: meh...

22) If you could have one wish...?

Ame: for Peace.
Haru: For Peace, too.
Korosu: To have never met Rose.
Raine: To have said "no" when I should have.
Max: To have the courage and strength to help Raine...

23) Your favourite element?

Ame: Water
Haru: Earth
Korosu: Fire
Raine: Water
Max: Water

24) Who is your superior?

Ame: Dahlia.
Haru: Dahlia.
Korosu: Dahlia.
Raine: James...
Max: James...

25) Sexual orientation?

Ame: straight
Haru: straight
Korosu: straight
Raine: straight, but I've been forced to do things with other women....
Max: straight

26) Do you care what others think of you?

Ame: Not really.
Haru: To a certain extent
Korosu: I don't care.
Raine: I will once I explain my absence
Max: not really....

27) Your theme song?

Ame: do i have one? (me: not yet) ok, then no
Haru: no
Korosu: no
Raine: nuh-uh
Max: nope

28) What's your species?

Ame: part vampire...
Haru: Transformed Vampire
Korosu: Vampire mut
Raine: Human
Max: Human

29) What makes you sad?

Ame: lots of things
Haru: rather not say
Korosu: same here
Raine: what I am.
Max: What I do.

30) What would you change in your past?

Ame: not going to the violin recital
Haru: lots of things
Korosu: you don't want to know
Raine: Saying "no"
Max: Keep myself from getting conned

31) What are your goals you want to achieve on your journey ^^?

Ame: To fight for my rightful place on my throne.
Haru: To fight alongside Ame.
Korosu: To fight for whats right.
Raine: To escape and let the world know about James.
Max: To help Raine...

32) Give one fact from your past.

Ame: I was in a Coma for three days
Haru: I was almost murdered
Korosu: I almost killed myself
Raine: I lived a normal life.
Max: I never fit in with my family

33) If you could cosplay as any character, who would it be?

Ame: Rin from Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne
Haru: hmmm....i dunno
Korosu: Not sure.
Raine: Yuna from Final Fantasy X
Max: Sebastian from Black Butler

34) Would you ever want to see yourself in 20 years if you could?

Ame: Sure! I'd think it would be interesting!
Haru: I'd look the same :/
Korosu: I'd be the same way...
Raine: I'm afraid to....
Max: I think it would be odd.

35) Was it fun to answer all these questions?

Ame: Very much!
Haru: It was nice.
Korosu: It kept me from being bored...
Raine: i enjoyed most of the questions!
Max: It was ok.
