boredom lol

1. What are your nickname/s?
Ali, Nikki, Tsu

2. Are there any nicknames you wish people called you?
not really

3. If you had to be stuck at one age for the rest of your life, how old would you be?
16 I think....

4. What color clothes do you like best?
dark colors

5. If you had a pet cactus, what would you name him/her?

6. Your most-hated movie?
dance movies.

7. What do you think of 3D movies?
They are pretty good

8. Ever get motion sickness? (car, boat, airplane, elevator, etc)
You have NO IDEA....It's horrible

9. So, your thoughts on elevators?
:/ I get pretty woozy

10. Have you ever Role Played?

11. What's your favorite public holiday? (Birthdays don't count)

12. Best season of the year for you?
Autumn <3

13. Do you ever want to go to Antarctica?
Penguins <3 of course

14. Have you ever had to stay in hospital overnight?

15. Glasses: attractive, or a turnoff?
depends lol

16. What kind of job do you respect the most? (Fire-fighters, doctors, people in the army, etc)

17. Do you have a favorite flower?
Bridal Lilies

18. Now for a manly question: do you enjoy driving? (Or think you will when you're able)
not really :/

19. What's one thing you never leave home without?

20. Favorite super Hero?
:/ I dunno

21. If you could become one pokemon, which one would it be?

22. Write one thing about yourself you wouldn't tell your parents.
pfft nah

23. What do you think of when I say FIRE?
"I'm on FIYAAA" XD

24. What country would you like to visit right now?

25. Do you think you'll ever end up in jail at some point in your life?
I dunno, maybe if I was framed...I do have enemies >.>

26. Do you have/plan to get any tattoos or piercings?

27. How many pets do you have?
3 kittehs and a dawg

28. What's your thoughts on OCs? (Original characters)
I has hundreds, but only a small handful based off of existing anime/manga

29. If you were in a position of power, what's the first thing you would do?
....I don't want to answer that question >.>

30. List three things that attract you (partner-wise):
Humor, sweetness, and confidence

31. Now list three sure-fire turn-offs:
dullness, rudeness, obnoxiousness lol

32. Do you have any favorite faces to use online?

33. Do you like trampolines?
I used to, until my bazonkers developed a long time ago T.T

34. If you saw a shooting star, would you wish on it?
of course

35. If you had a novel published, what would the title be?
I dunno yet lol

36. What do you think of photos of yourself?

37. When was the last time you saw the sun rise?
this morning

38. So, what do you think of memes like this? Any reason in particular you take these?
I likes them when I is bored :)

39. There's only one female smurf. How do you think they reproduce?

40. What's one music group you think everyone should be into at the moment?
I dunno :/

41. Take a quick look at your fridge. What's on it right now?

42. Who has it easier: boys, or girls?
honestly? boys.

43. What's do you think the meaning of life is?
not sure

44. Which is better: pirates or ninjas?

45. If you could change your hair color, what would it be?
black, the natural black

46. How did your first day at school go? Anything interesting happen?
....Haven't started back just yet

47. What's the best kind of chocolate?
Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate

48. Do you think you'll ever try drugs in your life?

49. How are you sitting while you type this? Comfortable?

50. Do you believe in ghosts, or any of the paranormal?

51. What's your favorite insult to call people?
I don't insult them really

52. Do you have any phobias or fears?

53. Who's your favorite family member?

54. How much money's in your wallet right now?
68 dollars

55. Mention some of the best memories you've ever had at school?
being with true friends

56. What's your sleeping pattern like? Anything you'd change?
10 to 14 hours of sleep, during the day. I have to change it to 8 to 10 hours during night when classes starts

57. What's wrong with the next generation?
being introduced to inappropriate things to early

58. How many tabs and windows do you have open right now?

59. Is there any particular costume/cosplay you'd like to wear?
Lulu from FFX

60. When something goes wrong, who's the first person you blame?
my laziness or ignorance lol

61. What's your favorite musical instrument?
violin, cello, piano

62. If you could make one animal extinct, which one would it be? Why do they deserve it?
Nothing. Because every critter is here to keep other critters maintained

63. Is the glass half empty, or half full?
depends on the situation

64. What do you have as your wallpaper right now?
Black Butler

65. Have you ever cross-dressed?

66. Which is more fun: being short, or tall?
short I guess

67. Got a boyfriend?
Yes ^///^

68. What's the last trading card game you played?
Pokemon back in 2002

69. Are sixty-nine jokes still funny?
XD yes.
