Giant meme

1) Name: Alisha
2) Name Backwards: Ahsila
3) Were you named after anyone?: A nurse who took care of my grandmother before she died
4) Does your name mean anything?: Truth, Noble
5) Nick Name(s): Nikki
6) Screen Name(s): Hametsu
7) Date of Birth: 01/25/91
8) Place of Birth: Resaca, Georgia
10) Current Location: same
11) Sign: Aquarius
12) Religion: Christian
13) Height: 5'1
14) Weight: 125
15) Shoe Size: 6
16) Hair color: brown
17) Eye color: dark brown
18) What you look like: a Caucasian girl who happens to have asian-like eyes.
19) Innie or Outie: innie
20) Righty, Lefty, ambidextrous: Righty
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?: straight
22) Best friend(s): a few…
23) Best friend you trust the most: Amanda
24) Best friends {your sex}: a few
25) Best friends of the opposite sex: a few
28) Crush: n/a
29) Parent(s): Tammy and Jammy
30) Worst Enemy: ….
31) Favorite on-line Guy(s): Kelly
32) Favorite on-line Girl(s): a few…
33) Funniest friend: Amanda
34) Craziest friend: “
35) Advice Friend: “
37) Person you cry with: a few
38) Any sisters: two
39) Any brothers: in laws only(5)
40) Any pets: a dog and 3 cats
41) A Disease: ADHD (I have more)
42) A Pager: no
43) A Personal phone line: yep
44) A Cell phone: yeah
45) A Lava lamp: used to
46) A Pool or hot tub: I want one
47) A Car: No
Describe Your...
48) Personality: cunning, clever, creative, bubbly, hyper, fun to be around
49) Driving: horrible(I still have my learners)
50) Car or one you want: smart car
51) Room: disorganized
52) Mmh: Mmhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
53) School: love/hate relationship
54) Bed: California King(the biggest I believe)
55) Relationship with your parent(s): Mum-great, Dad-nonexistent
56) Believe in yourself: If I don't who will?!
57) Believe in love at first sight?: definitely.
58) Consider yourself a good listener: yeah
60) Get Along with your parents: one
61) Save your e-mail conversations: sometimes
62) Pray: every night
63) Believe in reincarnation: don't know
64) Like to make fun of people: not to be mean, but any other time yeah.
65) Like to talk on the phone?: yep
66) Like to eat: yep
67) Like to drive: not really
68) Get motion sickness: you don’t know the half of it…I can’t even ride a merry-go-round without gagging
69) Eat the stems of broccoli: nope
70) Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: once
71) Dream in color: yep
72) Type with your fingers on home row: yes and no
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: ...yes.
74) Right next to you: jellybeans
75) On the walls of your room: posters, Japanese fan, shelves…
76) On your mouse pad: I have no mouse pad
77) Your dream car: smart car
78) Your dream date: not tellin’
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: somewhere warm.
80) Your dream wife: straight
81) Your bedtime: varies
83) The single most important question: Why are we here?
84) Your bad time of the day: morning
86) The weather like: chilly
87) The time: 2:51AM
88) The date: 03/18/11
89) The best trick you ever played on someone: fake positive pregnancy test.
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: peanut butter and syrup sandwich OR Wendy’s fries dipped in Frosty
91) Theme Song: December by Collective Soul
92) The hardest thing about growing up: letting go of things you wish to hold onto forever
93) Your funniest experience: WAAAAAAY too many to list(read Random Moments)
94) Your scariest moment: can pinpoint just one
95) The silliest thing you've ever said: too many
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex: …..not sayin’
97) The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s)?: My mum having a stroke right in front of us
99) The best feeling in the world: can’t decide.
100) 5 people you tag: I tag anyone who reads this
