My name is Alisha! I am 32 years old and living the boring adult life lol. Nice to meet you all! Thanks for dropping by my world! This is where I will post random things, basically like a journal or blog or whatever you want to call it lol

Thank You!!!!

Thank you all for the Birthday Wishes <3 <3 <3


If we don't beat this new requirement, I am going to be pissed.

If he takes something away that I like, I'm prolly going to boycott this site until he brings it back. You can join me if you want, but I won't be back until everything is back to normal.

Goodbye 2011!

2011, thank God you are over.

lets sum it :)

Got a divorce, but found new love <3
Almost flunked college but brought it back, hells yeah
Lost friends, made new
broke free from some phobias
Lost weight <3

2012...please bring me more hope <3

No piccy tonight, might post it later today :)

Ending Theme arranged by me

This is my arrangement of the Ending Theme of Final Fantasy X. Please either comment here or on Youtube on what you think of it. :)

Thanks for listening <3


I am out of Commission until further notice T.T

i messed up my wrist somehow. its not broken, nor does it have a fracture, but i dont know what is wrong with it. i have to use a brace until it heals, and i dont know when that is going to happen.