Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize

Lately I've been working hard on re-designing Beadsville (don't get your hopes up, btw, it's nothing flashy) in between playing with my Farm and Café >.> Once it's all done I'll think long and hard before undertaking another re-design any time soon! Either that or ask someone else to do the work for me :D

My family's prodding has led me to acquire an account at Spotify, which I'm taking full advantage of, so if anyone wants an invite just say so and it shall be done!

EDIT: Here's a link to Spotify since I suck at properly explaining things without causing further confusion :D;

Things to do: Write a letter and write my thoughts on Avatar.
Time until completion: ...... your guess is as good as mine xD

Another short update but brimming with love, as always. High fives all around!

Stolen from teh Shadow[s]

Your Enneagram type is TWO (aka "The Charmer").

"I must help others"

Helpers are warm, concerned, nurturing, and sensitive to other people's needs.

How to Get Along with Me

• Tell me that you appreciate me. Be specific.

• Share fun times with me.

• Take an interest in my problems, though I will probably try to focus on yours.

• Let me know that I am important and special to you.

• Be gentle if you decide to criticize me.

In Intimate Relationships

• Reassure me that I am interesting to you.

• Reassure me often that you love me.

• Tell me I'm attractive and that you're glad to be seen with me.

What I Like About Being a TWO

• being able to relate easily to people and to make friends

• knowing what people need and being able to make their lives better

• being generous, caring, and warm

• being sensitive to and perceptive about others' feelings

• being enthusiastic and fun-loving, and having a good sense of humor

What's Hard About Being a TWO

• not being able to say no

• having low self-esteem

• feeling drained from overdoing for others

• not doing things I really like to do for myself for fear of being selfish

• criticizing myself for not feeling as loving as I think I should

• being upset that others don't tune in to me as much as I tune in to them

• working so hard to be tactful and considerate that I suppress my real feelings That's one I've actually managed to overcome, to a point. I don't suppress my real feelings but I'm still tactful and considerate ^_^;

TWOs as Children Often

• are very sensitive to disapproval and criticism

• try hard to please their parents by being helpful and understanding

• are outwardly compliant

• are popular or try to be popular with other children (more like I was easy to deal with and could be bossed around)

• act coy, precocious, or dramatic in order to get attention (ANNOYING was/is I)

• are clowns and jokers (the more extroverted TWOs), or quiet and shy (the more introverted TWOs)

TWOs as Parents

• are good listeners, love their children unconditionally, and are warm and encouraging (or suffer guilt if they aren't)

• are often playful with their children

• wonder: "Am I doing it right?" "Am I giving enough?" "Have I caused irreparable damage?"

• can become fiercely protective

Growin' and seedin'

Tada! Here's another barely-there post from Mimmi /pose

I went to visit the sisters in Gothenburg and we all saw "Avatar" together (the boyfriend of ze elder sister tagged along, too). Sweet movie, one that I'd like to scribble down some thoughts on when my brain is less scattered.

These days I'm stressing out about forms needing filling in/sending off, which is rather stupid since it's a waste of energy. But you know how it is. Hopefully some of the anxiety will fade once March/April is over with. Or maybe it'll just be doubled xD;

In the meantime I'm tinkering with the layout/design on Beadsville. Smack-dab in the middle of winter I've decided it should be greeeeen! Speaking of Writing about the site leads me to publicly declare Shaow the winner of the non-existent competition of drawing me a chibi to adorn the "banner" space. Whenever you have free time, my love!

Specs: Chibi (...:p), somewhere around shoulder-length brown/red hair and blue eyes, wearing a pretty dress (color of your own choice) that covers ze feet, some strands of pearls wrapped around her neck, and she's holding her hands on a big pearl/bead lying in front of her or she could hold one hand on the pearl and wave with the other .. or the pearl/bead could be on her lap. Something along these lines :D

260*200 pixels is the space it'll fit into.

Finally, I got roped into playing FarmVille on Facebook and it's stupidly funny. If anyone wants to be my neighbour/friend on there I'll welcome you with my chubby green fingers!

.... Wow, this box extends a lot these days. Impressive work, Adam. Very choice ;o

I loveth you all!!!

First off, have a funny video with a guy trying to eat breakfast while sending currents up his right arm :D

Next, I'm in need of some sort of banner for my website. The idea is to have a cute chibi with a bunch of necklaces around its neck and holding a big bead in its hand/s.

The question is whether or not to pester certain artistic peeps (:D)about helping me out or if I'd be allowed to turn it into a contest here on theO. Whoever ends up assisting me is guaranteed a necklace of choice, be it one that already exists or a new (custom made) one.

And, 2009 is soooo last year :p

Ten Favorite Anime of the Decade

And here it is! Not an editorial masterpiece but did you really expect that form me? :p


Mimmi's Ten Favorite Anime of the Decade

1) RahXephon

Visually, emotionally and audibly, this anime blew me out of orbit. (Not having seen Evangelion probably allowed me to enjoy it to the fullest of its splendor.) Shinmaru has already made an excellent bullet point on RahXephon that mirrors my impressions so go read his post :p It's interesting to note that the dubbing cast of RahXephon is just as good as the original seiyuus (even though I prefer the latter).

2) Tokyo Magnitude 8.0

Broke my heart twice as much as "Clannad" did. Despite the fact that it's a slow paced show I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, fully emerged in the characters and their journey. The disgustingly accurate portrayal of human behaviour in a crisis got under my skin but (thankfully) it was beautifully balanced by supporting characters that exhibited tremendous selflessness. A barrage of emotional onslaught, no punches are held back or glossed over. I especially liked how they toyed with all of the cast just to drive home the point that no one was safe, continuously keeping you guessing who'd survive and thus leading to an all the more hard hitting end.

3) Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Never before have I witnessed (and surrendered to) such an epic show that completely bowls you over with beyond-over-the-top boombastic fantasticness. The progression of its story line is insane, which makes me feel even more insane for accepting it without qualms or objections! I've briefly wondered what it would have been like if Kamina hadn't died but it's a true test of the shows' strength that it doesn't rely on one person alone.

4) Clannad + After story

This show lulls you in with its premise of good hearted fun and sweetness only to swipe the rug from under your feet later on, punching you in the face a couple of times for good measure. It magically evolves from the setting of a harem anime into a somber drama that feels incredibly fresh. If fans had their way there'd be a "continuation" with Fuuko and Ushio as the main stars :D

5) Saiunkoku Monogatari

Despite a heavy emphasis on politics it's really easy to hooked on, thanks to an interesting set of characters and its settings. Being fairly slow paced gives you time to get acquainted with not only the people but all the political/financial jive they're packing in there. So far there's been two seasons and I'm eagerly awaiting moooooore.

6) Kaiba

Whoa. Just whoa. A really interesting take on 'identity' and a 'humans worth', presented as "character has 'amnesia' and doesn't know who he/she is" with the premise of being able to switch bodies while still retaining your 'self' and the possibility to tamper with peoples memories. The animation is refreshingly quirky and I adore the soundtrack. "Hentai" warning on episode two (or maybe it was episode 3) >.>

7) Ouran High School Host Club

I find it funny how they put the emphasis on the characters eccentrically dramatic shenanigans/behaviour instead of taking the easy way by playing up their individual sorrows more. That calculated move give those moments an edge when they do pop up. Ouran has an awesome set of characters (not to mention the seiyuus voicing them!) with hilarious/heart warming interaction amongst them and the contrast between Haruhi's humble background compared to the host club members (plus their outrageousness) lends itself to magnificent comedy.

8) Kaleido Star

What Shinmaru said. Sora has to fight every step of the way, despite being marked as a Star by Fool, and she does it with an undeterred determination that never gets old. I could easily sit through more seasons of "Kaleido Star". The end to its second season "New Wings" is the most uplifting and inspiring scene that you'll see for a long time.

9) ef - a tale of memories + melodies

I knew the entire plot/story line of "memories" going into it but was pleasantly surprised when those special moments still delivered on the same level as it would've had I gone in completely blind. The artistic explosion in both "memories" and "melodies" is a joy to watch, while simultaneously further heightening the themes of loneliness/suffering.

10) Yakitate! Japan

Stupendously funny and boasts an abundance of puns. It's an experience that can't be explained - it must be enjoyed first hand.

Honorable mentions: Digimon - Digital Monsters, Higashi no Eden, Hikaru no Go, Honey and Clover, Nabari no Ou, Pandora Hearts, Princess Tutu, Skip Beat, Todadora!, Library Wars, Trigun, xxxHolic + Kei, Mouryou no Hako.