I no can stalk ._. *ish burrneded*

Stolen from teh Laura :3 ○● B R I T I S H ○● [ ] You drink a lot of tea. [ ] Foggy weather is great. [ ] Deal or No Deal has taken over your life. [ ] You wanted Ben to win xFactor. [x] Fish and ...

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1. Perfect: Pffft, no :)
2. Tall: 5'4 probably doesn't count as tall.
3. In your pajamas: Ahuh :D
4. Left handed: Nope.

1. Friend you saw: My good friend Jennie.
2. Talked to on the phone: *thinks* A nurse about an appointment to check if I have asthma (which I don't).
3. Person to text you: *checks* Train company xD
4. Was today better than yesterday: Today has only just started so who knows what it'll bring! :o

1. Number: 7. Possibly 12, too.
2. Color(s): Green.
3. Fruit: Freshly squeezed oranges with the pulp removed is pretty tasty.
4. Place: My beading corner.

1. Are you missing someone right now? Yesh.
2. Are you happy? I'm not not happy :p
3. Are you sad? Not right now.
4. Are you bored? I can't really say I'm bored because there's plenty of things to be done around the room *glances about*
6. Are you nervous? Trying not to be.
7. Apparently there isn't/wasn't a seven.
8. Are you tired? It's about time for my nap })

1. Eating? Nada.
2. Drinking? See above.
3. I'm about to: Have a nap.
4. Listening to? Nothing, for a change.
5. Plans for today tomorrow? Clean up, possibly tackle my room and definitely play more FarmVille/Café World xD!

1. Drank bubbles? I'm gonna venture a guess and say by "bubbles" they mean champagne. And no.
2. Lost glasses/contacts? Only slightly misplaced glasses.
3. Ran away from home? I've walked away from home *snortgiggle* :x
4. Broken someone's heart? I.... don't think so?
5. Been arrested? Clean record :D

1. Miracles? Yes.
2. Yourself? From time to time.
3. Heaven? No.
4. Santa Claus? Brrr, no.
5. Do you like someone? As in do I have a crush? No.
6. Do you believe in God? Yes.
7. Answered the truth on all questions? Unreservedly yes.

Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Served up food in Café World and tended to my Farm xD;

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: Yeeeeees. Communication within my family, whether or not I'll be cut off from my stately 'well fare'.

Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: Up.

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: Mall, to get my new stereo.

Q: Do you smile a lot?
A: I'd say so, yeah.

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: No.

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Noooooo---.... ok, fine, I'm very friendly ._.

Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: In mah bed.

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: Watching "Tokyo Magnitude 8.0" ;______;

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: "I seriously need to wash my hair."

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: My life is in constant flux and I cannot fix it into a single number :p

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: The computer.

Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: Thankfully no :)

Q: What's your favorite month?
A: May is a nice month. Spring arriving and all that jazz.

Q: What did you do last night?
A: Farrrrrrmed.


Thank you Laura for "hooking me up" with Azurewolf! I've been wondering for the longest time where he got to and it was great to talk to him again ^__^

Adam: I'm sorry I missed your IM. Haven't been on AIM for years now and totally don't know how it works these days ^_^;;;;

Someone else tried to contact me but thanks to my incompetence I don't know who :-/

Gah, I'm sick in a not-full-on cold. It lingers malevolently, knocking me down arrogantly.

We have more snow. All the snowing, melting, freezing and more snowing has put so much pressure on the roof windows that dad had to get up there and chip away the ice/snow because water started to seep through o.O

But it's been fun snapping photos of all the birds gathering at the bird house ^_^


I've acquired a new camera and it is lovely :3

Didn't end up sick sick, after all, but I've been feeling funky still. Had a head ache today that didn't go away even after a nap (only after taking an aspirin) and now my throat is weird (again). Me no likey.

Was supposed to attend a concert with Imogen Heap in Stockholm on Friday, however, due to the snowy state my country is in and the consequent canceled/dreadfully delayed trains (+15 hours), I'm not going. It would've been fun but no way am I gonna risk getting stuck there or somewhere in between. And it was supposed to be a sibling thing, though ... yeah, whatever *rubs brow*

Still haven't written that letter. Thinking about tossing a post card in the mail just to get something sent off. Somehow I've managed to write a few thoughts down on "Avatar" but only by going off of a couple paragraphs in Morphy's post. Instead of putting effort into the aforementioned literary exercises I've been making more necklaces and playing FarmVille/CaféWorld >.>;

At least I haven't been stressing out about the approaching decision about the possible [dis]continuation of my monetary situation. That's something :)


Mom's been sick the past couple of days (actually sick, as in throwing up) so I've been stressing out that I'd catch it*, on top of being generally stressed.

*Had an important appointment today with the doctor to discuss my 'sick leave'-renewal-paper-stuff and it has to be done by Monday next week. (I actually called back in October/November to avoid doing this at the last minute, but whatever.) At least that's off my to-stress-about list.

... But I'm not feeling too hot, despite being less stressed. Suspicions are rising that something will attack me. Hopefully it's not the barf-o-rama that mom had :-/ I'd rather it be a bout of depression than that >.>;