Space Vikings-- an overview

A long long time ago, in our very galaxy, (for how do we know of happenings in galaxies far away?) There existed Vikings. Strong warriors who terrorized the planet, razing and pillaging, stealing and making merry in the most manly way possible. Their war-cries struck fear into the hearts of men, women, and even some wolves. Their features contorted in rage, they'd hack away at trees with their mighty battle axes for no reason in particular.
Now, some may insinuate, or make implicit that Vikings were not the brightest crayon in the box. That they were more of a burnt sienna than tickle-me-pink. This is not true in the least. The Vikings were an industrious people, building the pyramids, the great wall of China, as well as Stonehenge and The International Space Station. (The Vikings have quite a proclivity for architecture.) With their intelligent and ingenuity being so great they soon developed ways to fly through the sky and as well as travel up to the heavens. They called these inventions automobiles. (You see, our current word is evolved from that Viking word. In their language it means: Sky Chariot.)
With the invention of the automobile the Vikings soon conquered the entire earth, enslaving many peoples and races. (I don't condone slavery. Slavery bad.) Among these were the Incas, Aztecs, Maya, Babylonians, Ancient Egyptians, Persians, and nearly every other people on the planet. Their need to conquer is inexplicable, but perhaps they simply were designed to do so. Their mighty beards were symbols of power. Even Viking women grew beards.
Soon they grew tired of earth, and sought to take their automobiles and fly beyond the stars, into the heavens. So the vikings of the world converged, and then they began a sinuous journey to the upper reaches of the mountain-tops, these acclivities making perfect take-off runways. As they rose into the skies, the Vikings looked down upon the earth, the mountains beginning to distort as the atmosphere changed. Some vikings even wished to cry. (But vikings have evolved past the need for tear ducts.) They got to the outer reaches of the atmosphere and diverged, exploring many planets and otherworldly features, such as space volcanoes. They landed on planets, making giant declivities in the surfaces, what we now know as craters.
Eventually, after many years, the Vikings had conquered most of the universe, and they converged again, to discuss what to do next. They are wander-lust stricken people, always seeking new places to conquer and peoples to enslave and slaughter and pillage. In their boredom they attacked each other, creating a great viking war. They fought for many centuries, the blood spilled in their battles staining the planet we now know as Mars, red. Their battles desecrated the great lakes of Mars, annihilated the well-meaning moth people of Venus, and even killed off the dinosaurs.
Many of the weaker Vikings escaped, traveling back to earth to become what we now recognize as 'vikings'. Those these were no where near as beastly as the actual Vikings. The great Viking war continued for a great many centuries more, causing great casualties across the Universe. Eventually only a few Vikings remained. To save their race, they all parted ways, vowing never to fight each other again, for their might was too much for the Universe. They threw away their battle axes, awaiting Ragnarök, the day the universe will end. They brood, and wait. Though they grow restless, slowly wandering into the territory of the other space vikings...
If they should meet, may the whole universe quake for fear of their might.
