Prologue of Khenarthi [for you, nick]

My name is Khenarthi Fadomai van Alder.
But that, of course, is not so relevant in the grand scheme of thing. However, the circumstance in which I, Khenarthi Fadomai van Alder, find myself is of utmost importance. Quite imperative, actually. That you know. That someone does. Before we get to specifics and details, though, I must stress that people like me do exist. Not a single word is a lie.
First, no, silver does not have any adverse effects to my kind at all. As far as bullets go, a hot fast-moving bone-shattering chunk of metal is as sure to do the same amount of harm to me as anyone. Secondly, the moon has nothing to do with transformation, voluntary or otherwise. Third, and most definitive in my character; I am not an animal. I behave like a civilized being even when some more ‘human’ beings act like the primates they have so much in common with. And Fourth, I am not immortal. No being can be. It is against Nature. Though I will admit I’ve heard of many rumors that are merely posturing of other beings that are similarly categorized as ‘Beyond Natural’ like myself. And though I’m worlds different from you, human, I’m not particularly outstanding from one of my fellows. Some who do not fully understand may consider the way in which I am a unique gift. A wondrous thing Nature has given me. The truth of the matter is, it is only a nuisance .
I have an understandably fast metabolism, I must partake of all manner of supplements and vitamins. To keep the inner animal balanced with the outward gentle soul I undergo hours of restful meditation and other more dubious treatments. But I think it would be best to explain those later. When I have time. To tell you of the culture.
Something else I should explain. My fellows have a unique caste system based upon element. I use the term ‘element’ loosely. It is really more the type of soul, the type of essence each of us possess. The term element is easier to use, and it is the term my people use. But it is, of course, not the element itself of fire, for example. It is an essence. That we have likened to be fiery, and thus the element is Fire. Because the element is the core of our being, our temperaments and personalities and many other things can be vaguely encompassed into one element. There are different strengths of element, and the culture I live in has more or less segregated each element and made certain elements higher in hierarchy than others. In ascending order the “levels” of element are thus: earth, water, fire, Air, Metal, and Moonlight. I am of mid-rank. Air. Though it is still considered to be of the upper levels of caste. Those with the element of Moonlight are royal. They have always been so. They rule as our monarchs. Under those elements, there are three considered to be of ‘Upper’ Element. These are Metal, Air, and fire. And under those are the ‘Lower’ elements: water and earth. There is a class under those, The Shamed Ones, those with no element. We don’t speak of them.
Of course the Upper elements are generally worried with ranking and being seen with the right people, and making connections with those of a higher social rank than themselves. And the Lower elements are constantly scrabbling and scraping to rise to more privilege. And the Royal Moon-touched Moonlight elements are on lofty pedestals, high and god-like above the rest. There are only a few of them. And though like I mentioned before, the moon has nothing to do with transformation, our culture and practices revolve around the Moon, so it only makes sense that those of Moonlight are highest.
Those of Metal alignment are the courtiers. The rich, the fabulous. They are not quite royalty, but close enough in their own estimation. And Then there are the Airs. We are most like upper vassals. Though the truth of the matter is, far many more of us are glorified servants. Musicians. Artists. The fires are servants, serving primarily as high-level handmaidens. And menservants. A few of them are also musicians. Only the talented of them being given high places in musical establishments. Waters are lower servants. Cooks and lesser maids. Kitchen helpers. Earths, being lowest, are often peasants and usually handle the dirtier jobs, like chimney sweep and stable hand. Many of them are also farmers and of more dubious professions.
Even within each element there are distinctions. Monarch Moonlights and Upper Duke/Duchess Court Moonlights. Upper courtier Metals and lower courtier. Straata Airs and Liitho Airs. Flaime fires and embur Fires. Flud waters and Rainne waters. Fawna earths and florah earths.
