This is my world. me. still in progress. much to come.

Home of the Ongoing Space Viking History

SPACE VIKINGS ...more continuation...

...then when they had settled upon a great many asteroids there came a great rift between the vikings.

some thought to go back to a planet. to settle down, so to speak.

others still wished to go back to the homeworld, though many centuries had passed.

then the true vikings wished to continue their terror-ization of the vast cosmos. and so, a great viking war began. those who wished to settle down were quickly vanquished, or they escaped.


The other sides of the conflict waged a bloody war for many years, their spilt blood coloring the planet now known as mars.

many were killed until only a few vikings remained...

... to be continued...

internet time

apparently in internet-time...

even people you talked to every day forget you.

even if it's only been a few weeks.

even more fleeting than actual time.... how sad.

even more so since i ish been forgotted...


yay. i feel all important now. even though it's someone i know?

it feels sort of like cheating?

but oh well. maybe this is a good omen.

I will make my site even better!

for future fans! huzzah!


...i have no otaku-friends. this is most-saddening. boo-hoo.

SPACE VIKINGS ...continued...

...and so we pick up where we left off....

you may ask yourself:
'wtf, mimaru. there's no way vikings could survive in space'

but that, my friend, is where you are wrong.

In the beginning of the great space migration as it is known to the Space Vikings of today--

many great warriors died, succumbing to the lack of oxygen. however, a few were able to capture oxygen from the stratosphere in their mighty third-hand like beards. they breathed this sparingly until, the day came, they evolved past the weak need for oxygen.


they formed colonies upon great asteroids. they drifted throughout the universe, razing and pillaging a great multitude of species and peoples... be continued...