Dun dun dun....TAG.

So, the dreaded TAG. Hehe, thanks Shanny. I won't tag anyone here since I don't have many friends yet. In fact, Shanny, I think you are the only one who comments here. ;__;

1. What is your favorite anime of all time?
That's hard to choose. I will forever have a special place in my heart for X and Tokyo Babylon, but for series, Escaflowne takes the cake.

2. If you could learn any language, what would it be?
Well, of course I'd love to speak Japanese, but what Otaku doesn't? So other than that, I'd say French.

3. How did you find theOtaku.com? And why did you join?
I don't remember how I stumbled upon it, but I joined because I wanted to connect with other anime artists and make friends. It was really the first community I joined regarding anime and art.

4. What was your favorite childhood cartoon?
Hmmm...I bet you don't even know this one. Jace and the Wheeled Warriors.

5. What is your favorite quote? Why?
Anything from LOLCATS.com. It's just super funny and can always make me smile.

6. What gives you the creeps?
Spiders! I have major arachniphobia.

7. What would your dream job be?
Character design for video games, or fashion designer.

8. (Fill in the blank) Oh, Edward Cullen how I ______ you.
Stabeth (you) to death. Die, imposter.

9. Which is worse, failing or never trying?
Never trying.

10. What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
I see things differently. From an artistic stand point. But I think most artists do.

11. Do you push the elevator button more than once?
For sure! And the crosswalk button, I mash it repeatedly, like I'm trying to fake my way through a video game!
