
Typing this update from my mobile and it's not very easy since I don't have, like, the most awesome phone. But anywho...

No uploads from me today, I had to leave for my bus befor the 24hr limit was up. So tomorrow morning it's first on my to do list. Hope no one is bothered by the fact that I'm taking full advantage of the number of uploads per day....I just have so much art to share since I've been gone so long. :)

Well....hope you are all having a good Wednesday. Happy arting!

-Milkycat <3

This is what I WISH I could be doing....

Our newest member of the kitty family. This is Sherbet aka Sherbikins the cutest kitteh evar!


Monday came knocking at my door. I tried to ignore it, but it was persistant, like those people who come to your door with the bible. It just won't go away. Pretending your not home isn't working!

Sweet :3

I just got word that Adam has upped the submission limit from 3 to 4, but for premium members, the limit is 8! This will greatly help me in getting caught up! Time to go submit some art!

Shiney! Ohhhh!

So, I am trying out this premium membership thing. I think I got totally spoiled on deviantART. I am supposed to be able to add up to 7 images to my posts now, so let's try it.

This is Gavalyn. He's my ABJD, or Asian Ball Jointed Doll. I am searching for other owners here and so far only found one.

OK so now that I've added this one image, I don't have an option to add any more, so let's try something else....

This is Valkyrie, another on of my dolls. She was a birthday gift from my fiance.
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I hate that we don't have a "preview" option for these posts. So if I make a mistake, I won't see it till it's published, then, I have to hurry and correct it before I look like a complete a-hole.

Sigh...I'm hitting the publish button but I wasn't actually done updating.

OK, so what I'm doing is working apparently, so I will add just a few more images.

This is London, Gavalyn's beau. They are so sweet together.
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And these...hehehehe...these are the Weasley Twins. It took my over a year to put them together.
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I have tons more pics to share. i'll be creating a new world for my dolls here this weekend.

Anyway, so far, so good with this premium shizz. Now, off to the shower and work!