Shanny, I thought you might like this...

In anticipation of going to my first con tomorrow, and dilligently scouring the dealer's room for Kuro goodies...and also because I know Shanny loves this...enjoy!

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Ughhh ;A;

I have to work today! I don't wanna. Really I don't. I was off for the last 4 days, mainly due to my health issues, but still, it was nice to be home.

I haven't mentioned it but I do suffer from depression and anxiety, and currently take medication for it. On days where I have particularly bad attacks, I stay home. It's hard to face people some days, and others I do OK. It's not something you'd probably even notice if you met me in person. I try to hide it pretty well. wasn't a very productive 4 days, I'll tell you that. I usually sleep (the meds will do that to ya) Or i just sit infront of the computer, bit not really doing anything. So it's blah all around.

I have an anime convention this weekend, even tho I bought a full event pass, I'm only going for the first day. I've never been to a con. I mainly just want to see the dealer's room. There's something specific I'm after that I think I'll only be able to find there.

Anyway! Long update is long and rambling. So I'll shut up now, seeing as I have to leave in t- 30minutes.


Happy Birthday Shanny!

Had to post it in my world, since I thought this was pushing the boundries a bit. Hope you like it. And if you're not familiar with the spoof, please see the video! :)

One month to go....

I am going to be attending the Phoenix Faerie Fesitval in Novemember. I have 1 month to get my ass in gear and start getting all my stuff ready. Lack of funds has really put me behind scheduel. I hope to rememdy that soon. I'll be selling art prints, bookmarks, blank greeting cards, posters, mugs, etc, all depicting my art. I had a booth in 2009, and it was a blast. I met a lot of really cool people. Here was my booth then.

I hope to have a better looking booth this year. My uncle made me the sign by hand, he carved and painted it.

So in other words, I'll probably chill on the uploads for a bit while I begin work on my products.

Wish me luck! I did pretty good back in '09.


I just a notification that 15385bic has finished a request I made. I know she was busy so I didn't expect it that quickly, but check it out, it's so amazing. She did my Water Sprite in her style.

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