'Angels' - VergilxOC Series (T)

'A Visit From Angels' - Chapter One

She slinked along beside the building, silently and stealthily. One step at a time, yet walking quickly, almost running, toward her target.

She was almost within leaping distance of her prey when he spoke.

"I know you are there Ikira."

Too Late. She took another step and leaped onto the taller beings back, locking her arms around his neck to prevent herself from falling off, and her legs around his waist. She laughed when he stumbled forwards but caught his balance and stopped walking.


"Ikira." Her laughter calmed down to a small chuckle and she answered him, asking what he wanted.

"Get off."

"Awww. You're no fun Luke." She waited for him to say something in retaliation, yet none came. She sighed and slipped off of the boy, landing rather quietly in her combat boots, and cringing when they dug into the back of her heel. 'Mental note. Wear thicker socks next time I wear these.' She stepped off and instantly fell into step with her six foot five cousin. Fortunately, they lived within walking distance of her cousin's 'pet' as she called him.

It didn't take long for her to see the building in which her cousin's boy friend lived. Yes, her cousin was gay, and she didn't give a damn what the world said about it either, neither did he.

She walked right into the building without knocking. She flitted off through the door beside his desk and into the back and headed straight for the fridge. Dante, being the nice boy he was, always kept the freezer stocked with banana flavored popsicles, just for her.

"Hey babe. Long time no see."

She grabbed the frozen treat and turned to see Dante standing there, leaning against the door frame with no shirt as usual. She smiled at the young half-demon, and closed the freezer. She returned the greeting and walked up to him then hugged him like a little sister would her older brother, which he practically was to her. She let go of the boy and grabbed his wrist with the hand that wasn't occupied with a flavored ice-cube, as an old friend of hers once called it, and began to drag Dante to the front room. She walked out of the door she entered and pulled Dante out of it with her. She tapped the door with her boot, seeing as if she kicked it closed she'd dent it or worse- break it- and Dante would make her pay for it. She released the young half-breed and walked over to her cousin who had seated himself on the couch in the corner of the room. She noticed how her cousin looked Dante up and down as he came over and seated him self on Luke's other side. Dante then preceded to lay his head in my cousin's lap, where Luke run his fingers through Dante's hair absent-mindedly. Luke was the only guy who could do this to Dante. Luke was also the only reason Dante wasn't in a relation ship with a lady, as he was Luke's boyfriend and had been for about a year. Ikira watched the two as they all talked about random things and what had happened in the month since their last visit. She envied the two boys for their relationship, as she was single and had been for the majority of her young life. She also absent-mindedly noted how much better she liked Dante's appearance when his hair was slicked back as she watched her cousin slip his fingers through the slayer's silver hair...