When you see a girl walking by, you might yell out "hey, you're hot!" Go right ahead, it usually makes her feel good about herself. Some might prefer you running up and actually talking to her, (most of my friends, at least, appreciate the guts it takes to talk to a girl, and we're not as shallow as you think,) and they like cute, pretty and beautiful better than hot, but that's okay.

But do yourselves a favor: DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE A PIG AND SAY SOMETHING LIKE "nice tits." This is not funny, or charming, or whatever you think it is. You get a laugh out of your friends, yes, but if any of them has even a little bit of gentlemanly charm and tells you off because of it, listen to him, because he is right. Comments like these seriously aren't appreciated.

That and usually the only girls that will respond to that positively most likely have self esteem issues and that's not how you help them.
