You are in I.I.R. Army Forces Fighting WW3 on the planet Zeron Good Luck


Chaos Unsheathes His Weapon and charges The Opposing Army "Your Mine" Chaos pointed at an opposing army grunt and slashes through him in 1 slice then laughs "Hahahahaha I Love this job" then charges after another grunt


Meiyo starts to run as she lets out an all mighty roar "THIS WAR IS OURS!!!"

On the front line

Maruriya Thinks As I Charge into battle with my squad members by my side we will win this war Maruriya Charges the opposing army "Attack Now Alpha Squadron" shouts Maruriya

Kenshi's Sword


Name:Chaos Fatelion
Age: 18
Sword Spirit:Wrath
How I Obtained My Sword: My Brother was the previous owner of the sword and but sadly passed away in an Accident And the sword was left to Chaos in the will