You are in I.I.R. Army Forces Fighting WW3 on the planet Zeron Good Luck


" sure we need all the help we can get" maruriya picks up a chest plate of a grunt and throws is at kenshi " use this for now". maruriya can feel his hole body being ingulfed in flames but he cant see any just a bright red glow. as he charges at the grunt, his sword is scorthing and melts the grunts armour while going through the grunts stomich. maruriya pulls out his sword and swings it in the air to get the moltern metal of the blade and splatters into grunts eyes.


Chaos Glowed Purple "cool i glow purple" Chaos continued killing the enemy troops


Kuzuko starts hacking down more grunts and sees a grunt who is destroying his allies, as he begins running towards the grunt he feels a pink aura surrounding him and his sword. Before he gets to the grunt he feels a strong hopefullness, " I hope we win the war " he sprints at the grunt "FOR ZERON" the grunt sees him and swings his sword around, Kuzuko slides under the grunts legs, stands up and lunges into the grunts heart.


Athaisia could hear the fighting of the war but she couldnt see it... she had been trapped in a celler or a box of some sort and all she could do was keep quiet until someone came... and then kill whatever vile creature locked her up... Something hit her stomace and she c=screamed "HELLLLPPPP" she didnt know if anyone could hear her... She unsheathed her sword and started swinging it around seeing how big the space she was in was


Meiyo continues slashing her sword, destroying everything in her path, they seem to be starting to die down,"the glow is getting stronger?" she says.