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Welcome to my world, everyone!

Let me introduce myself. *bow* I have a secret crush on....myself. JK I love myself, but not so much that I become a narcissus. xD

I am a high school student, who has a tendency to constantly fall asleep in class. And when not sleeping, playing on my itouch. My teachers don't mind as I am one of the top students in all my classes. :D I hope it stays that way when I start being able to take AP classes next year!

I love making wallpapers/ecards. Anything digital and not related to me having to draw. My drawings usually end in disasters. >.>

That's about all I can say for myself. :P Anyways, enjoy your time here!


My dad usually has parental controls, but on my computer, most things are unblocked (in other words, only inappropriate stuff are blocked, which I don't care).


So now I can't go to Google, Facebook, Gmail, Minitokyo, Youtube, OMGPop, AND BASICALLY ANY WEBSITES. What is this sadness. Really.

You don't know how happy I am with the fact that at LEAST theOtaku works. When I found out, I was like "ALL HAIL THE AMAZING THEOTAKU.COM FOR HIDING FROM MY DAD'S PARENTAL BLOCKAGE" That's cause the blocking thing blocks based of of categories like "search engine", "entertainment", etc.

Even my school allows us to go on more websites than my computer at home now. Really. What is this.

Now I'll have to make wallpaper from the images I had saved to my computer months ago. And some aren't even that good. WHAT AM I GONNA DOOOOO~~


*Shaking my head*

I showed my younger sis my latest wallpaper, and her reaction.....

"That's it? You only used 3 pictures there."

"No really? So you're saying wallpapers aren't considered to be hard work until I've combined more than 10 images?"

"Well, yeah. 'Cause you hardly did anything for that wallpaper. Just cut the girl out, cut the fish out, put them with the background, add some words..."

"And yes, that's EXTREMELY easy to do." (detect sarcasm there)


"But then the wallpaper won't be pretty cause you're combining a ton of images, and some might not even match."

"No, it will be. Because it has so many pictures. And it shows you put a lot of work in."

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Seriously...no. Just, no. Combining more than 2 images is already hard work for a wallpaper. Otherwise, you can end up ruining the whole thing. (By images, I'm not including images used as textures)

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Best thing I saw on Facebook today:

"When I'm bored, I like to cover myself in vaseline and pretend I'm a slug."

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The [Way]

So, I just thought I should do a mini tutorial for all you lazy people out there like me on how to score an A in classes even by failing the final. :PPP

Note: I'm only in high school, and so I only know this works for high school and middle school (who cares about elementary school, lol). IF YOU'RE IN COLLEGE, JUST TRY THIS IF YOU DARE.

Of course, it's up to you to decide if this will work for you, or if I'm just fooling around. :3

Step 1: When school's new term starts, we all know that feeling known as "OH-HECK-YEAH! THIS-TERM-IM-NOT-GONNA-PROCRASTINATE!" Live off of that.
What does that mean? DO YOUR HOMEWORK. That feeling will be the motivation. And by doing your homework, I don't mean do half of it and then go being lazy. Your laziness did not fully kick in yet, SO KEEP DOING YOUR HWK TILL YOU COMPLETELY FINISH.

Step 2: Keep living off of that feeling. It should get you about 1/3 of the term. During that time period, and the next 1/3, do well on the tests. This is when tests are easiest, so try to score as high of an A as you can during this time.
What does this mean? STUDY. If you hate studying, that's fine, I do to. So instead, just focus completely in class, understand everything the teacher taught. If you don't understand anything, ask the teacher. If you are scared, ask the smart kid sitting next to you. If there is no smart kid sitting next to you- well, there's got to be that one smart kid in your class. AND if you're still scared, whip out your phone/iTouch and search on google.

Step 3: Sleep on your textbook of the class you will have a test on the next day. This can be a textbook, or notebook, anything that contains the stuff you need to study for the class.
What does this mean? Sleep on your study materials. Am I fooling around here? Well, I do it. And when I don't, I can't get 100% on my tests. So it's up to you. :3

Step 4: Try your best when you aren't feeling lazy. There's gotta be at least 1 day a month where you don't feel like going into a classroom, then flopping on the desk like a dead fish. xD

Step 5: Do those extra credit work. You never know when they might come in handy.

Step 6: Last but not least, get on your teacher's good side. You might hate them inside, but, try to think on the good side of that teacher. And if you hate that teacher completely, just follow these rules:
1. DON'T TALK ABOUT THEM BEHIND THEIR BACKS. You never know when they are listening.
2. Don't complain in his/her class
3. Stay quiet as long as possible in his/her class so they can't really judge how you are other than the fact that you are quiet (even if you are loud once you leave that classroom)
4. Facebook friend them. You have enough fake friends on facebook, so why not add your teacher? (optional)

End of tutorial. Just try it! By the time the finals come up, you'll have a pretty high grade, so if you fail the final, not much of the grade changes. :PP



I could not believe it when I checked out my subscribers and saw that I now have TWO HUNDRED


You guys are amazing~ and I'd love to thank each and every one of you for your support!

I remember when I first joined theO just a few months ago. Everyone was so kind to me and helped me around. And then, I started to welcome newcomers as well, and helped them. I'd love to thank the people who first got me started with creating e-cards, and then Katana got me to LOVE making wallpapers. It's amazing how much I've started to love and become addicted to being on here.

It's like my other home on here. I feel safe, and can share my feelings and what I'm going through. People are always cheering my up when I'm all sad or going through a hard time. And, there are always amazing submissions that cheer me up EVERY DAY! I swear I visit this site more than I had ever visited any other site (beside Google) already!

Seriously, I can give a whole speech "yada yada yada" and give you all GIGANTIC digital hugs. Man, I even had a dream that I met you all in real life. It was amazing. :D

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