Three int he morning again... why does this keep happening?

Ii nichi senbu anata gyangutachi!


But really my mom just said something to me that made me really depressed. I know this shouldn't have but after like 12 years, and never hearing anything like this, I guess it hit me pretty hard =/

My mom asked me this:

"What do you think of putting Sadie down?"
for those of you who dont know Sadie is my dog. She is the only Dog that I have ever lived with so I guess if we did put her down soon it would be like loosing a sister, though not exactly like that, but you get what I mean.

I was talking to my brother about it while we were cooking dinner and just the thought of loosing my first dog almost brought me to tears. I know that doesnt sound very macho and manly but thats like loosing a best friend that you have grown up with for around 12 years. I just dont think I could handle waking up in the morning with out her laying on the floor under the table or late at night when I am at the computer her laying right behind me because she doesn't want to be alone. But I think I am going to miss how she could catch any food in her mouth at the weirdest angles.

I am not saying that we are going to put her down soon. It was just the though of it. My brother said that when our last dog, that I dont remember, was put down my mom was crying alot and she was very depressed. Now here goes another one, my mom trained her all by her self and my dog loves her the most out of anyone.


I guess thats all I should put... oh and for those of you who dont know any Japanese, at the beginning it means:
"Good day all you gangsta's"

Thats All For Now....

Isn't Da-ku Chokole-to nice?
heh, your going to have to ask a translator for that one.
See Raina I never said oshiri x3

ok its three in the morning again and I have to go to bed now T___T
well soon lol
