I never fail to post a week after the last post XD

I just really like that picture, check it out! :D
You guys don't have to read everything if you don't want to. :)

Ok where do I begin?
Should I start with the part about having no power for a while or should I start with the flat tire? How about something happy?

I guess It should go by time.
I never knew that one of those would touch down/appear anywhere near me but, last week a TERRIBLE storm came by and a tornado touched down or appeared some where by my house. It was about 8 miles away from me. But quite a few people lost power I know at least a hundred thousand people lost power (I heard alot of different numbers some of them were too crazy) and I was one of them -_-
But since no one had power and my work being right across the street they didn't have power either so I didn't have to work, but I did have to work the fallowing next two days. Not happy about that. I will tell about that later. But we only had a OOOOOLD generator that powered my brothers saltwater fish tank's, the fridge, and one lamp. I ended up playing monopoly a lot and I even played by my self for a 45 min and then my dog came over and played with me.
When I played by my self I even cheated and I still was running out of money! HOW COULD THAT HAPPEN????!!!!?!?!? I guess I am just not meant to be good at monopoly even though its one of my favorite games! I should end this topic here because this post is getting too long for everyones attention spans XD

But yesterday was pretty exciting brother C and I were taking brother B to the air port to fly back to Maryland so he can be on time since he is in the Navy. So we go and drop him off and then we are on our way back and then Brother B calls and said his flight gets canceled and we turn around to go back to the air port, but on our way back this guy starts waving his hands at us and I am like " o.O I think he is trying to get our attention O.o" We had a flat tire. Four lane highway and we are in the third lane. To be 'safe' we have to always pull over on the right side and do our tire changing there. But we don't have all the stuff so we call Mercedes Benz Road Side Assistance! =3 It was free. The guy came and changed it for us and then we went on our way. But before all of this happened OH MAN! Brother B programed the navigation to a different airport. Let me just say it was in the HOOD! Then he reprogrammed it and it told us to take a turn down this side street and before this, I said "I think we should lock our doors *locks nearest doors*" I got made fun of for that. but when we turned on this road my brother thats in the Navy locked them all. XD

Alright something happy! I got farther in my Pokemon game on GBA. And I found a way to still be able to make wallpapers and things like that! So I am happy.
GUH What a long post. Maybe I should post more so they aren't so long XD . But before I forget, on Tuesday I was told to come in but I could only work like an hour because I had other things to do and I wasn't even scheduled and I was just helping out, but the waitress and the cook had to do the rest of the dishes after I left. but the waitress said "I had to do his F****** dishes" and blah blah blah, when I had other things to do and I was just helping out. Oh I have more stories but this is WAAAAY TOO LONG! so you dont have to read it all XD
