Fidgeting post, organizing a mind while running from school

I finaly got my new computer and I will show it to you...well just the desktop. And the credit goes to Sessy for the background. XD I love that gal!
Clicky Clicky

So thats my desktop!
With my old computer I had an Ipod but no itunes, and now I have Itunes and no ipod. Ironic isn't it?

So anyway, I now have more time for TheO because I am out of school. I am so glad and sad at the same time. But I guess thats how it goes. Now for my grades that I got on my exams, that I know of XD

Web design A
U.S. History A
Foods A

And thats all I know of XD but I know I am getting on the honor roll! I hope.

With photoshop cs3 I am still waiting for it, because my brother has to get it from his friend and he has just been procrastinating on that. But I will have it soon. Then I can make really cool stuff. I went to Barns&Nobles and I got Black Cat 14 and photoshop for photographers. So I have been reading those lately.

Yes, my mind has been a little bit jumbled because I have been working alot and I have wanted to hang out with my friends for a while but couldn't because of work. Now for some reason there is drama going on in my family and I am the only one who doesn't know what it is. They always tell me to go away as they are all talking about it. Last time I checked I was part of the family too. I guess it doesn't matter much because I haven't been talking to them just because they have been annoying me lately well only one hasn't but the rest T__T I blame it on work XD
anyway I hope you guys are having a good day!

anyone noticed that I have been commenting? :D
