21 Days and 25 Years with a broken hand

8D I thought of that title my self!
But yes, it has been 21 days since my last post, and hopefully they will get better and more frequent and I can start commenting on peoples art, wallpapers, posts, and anything else. I know I have gotten as bad as Shishou. I guess we all have our lives to live, and work to go to(even though we dont want to).

Lets go off on the magical train to my life!

. . .

Ok so its an old rusty red wagon that holds two people and has spiders crawling all over it....hold on
*calls mom*
She should be here any minute to pick us up.
*three hours later*
Alright lets get in and buckle up!

So it all started with last Wednesday, when I had to work late 11p.m. and I was mad because I worked so late, my sister was mad because she had been waiting there for an hour. We came home to a house filled with people. My brother was having a party with his friends. so their was about twenty drunk people screaming and yelling because there was a hockey game on the t.v. and blah blah blah my sister and I are trying to sleep and we can't blah blah blah my brother no.3 is crying and screaming and swearing blah blah blah he ends up punching my brother no.1 in the nose breaking his nose. Brother no.3 broke his hand and needs surgery.
Brother no.3 works with me as a dishwasher. This is good and bad at the same time.
Dan the cook is taking off 5 days because his son is having a baby boy and my brother no.3 is going to take over as cook for a while along with the other one. Since he broke his hand, he can't cook, dish wash, or anything. This all means that I am going to have to help out the cook, and dish wash for five days in a row. These five days are the last five days of the school year. what a way to spend them!:D
I got the new computer and photoshop cs3!
The only thing is, it came when no one was here and so we didn't get it (it came in the mail). So I have to wait until the weekend to even do anything and that just makes this week that much better.
Hmm.. lets try and find something happier!

It's my Mom and Dad's 25 anniversary!
and my brother is home from the navy!
And their is a party going on today!
And it ruins my plans to go to B&N to get a few books!
Woooo..no wait...Awww!

But thats just about it besides a new wallpaper that I got up so check it out please! ^^
ok I got to go and hook up the wireless internet for my brother so he can take a test.
