After how long?

Yes I know its been quite a while T___T

But I do have things to update on!

So I shall organize it a little. ^^

  • Wallpaper
  • Solaris
  • Photoshop
  • New Computer

Ok yes I do have a new wallpaper up ^^
I really like it too. Even though it is girlie I just like the way it turned out. I just wish I could have found a font that I could put her name on it somewhere. T__T

Solaris? Yes, I know you probably have no idea what that is but I do!
I use stuff from that site [ran by an old member here that goes by the name 311] And thats where I submit my other graphics that is not wallpapers or art or what ever else. So if your running out of sites to get resources for wallpapers then check it out! ^^ It has brushes, tutorials, textures, PNG's, layouts, and more that I know I am forgetting. XD

Now why am I talking about photoshop? Well because I am almost an owner of PhotoshopCS3! [either cs3 or cs3extended]
I really bet your wondering how, well since my brother is in the navy, for photo journalism they give him photoshopCS3 and CS3Extended, Adobe Illustrator, and a few other programs, and since he is graduating from schooling he is going to bring photoshop home. *starts vibrating with excitement*

To add with the Photoshop thing, I am also getting a new computer when my brother comes home! My brothers friend is going out to sea, and he is selling his computer and my mom bought it, all I am waiting for is my brother to call me back to tell me if it is able to run photoshop.
So my family will have two computers! :D
Well 'Family' computers...right now we have three, but my other brothers bought them. -_-''
Oh and the brother I am talking about in this post thats in the navy I am trying to get him to get an account at so he can show off what he has made lol.

Hmm what else?
Oh I am doing a 100 point project for my web design class and its due this week T__T I dont have much done DX
Well I am off to go read some manga on line :D

I dont remember who I got back to with comments but hey, I have been busy!
