White Darkness

Chapter 2: Who is it?

Little did the people inside the room know that a villain was outside the window, waiting to see who would be chosen. He peeked inside the window and saw the hag staring at the kids. At that age, he probably would’ve run out of the room, but thanks to his master, he no longer found things like that frightening.
Sweat beaded his brow as a complication arose in his mind. What do I do if it isn’t one of these kids? I promised master that it would definitely be one of these…. and if I break my promise, who KNOWS what he’ll do to me…. very likely grind me into dust.
He flinched. He knew his master was certainly capable of doing so. He had even seen it happen, to those unfortunate enough.
He suddenly heard a gasp and flicked his head back behind the wall. Damn! Did they see me? He thought. He waited for someone to pull back the curtains and see him, but nothing happened. He sighed with relief and looked back in the room slowly. He watched the hag raise an ugly hand at point at one of the children.
He gasped with delight, only to realise that that definitely would’ve been heard. But no one looked, thanks to two other gasps at exactly the same time. The girl was dancing around, acting like she’d won the lottery, and the boy was slumped in his chair, disbelief on his face, like he just lost a million petoa for no good reason. He smiled evilly, and left. His promise could be kept.