
Chapter 1:Prophecy

Sona stared wistfully out of the window, and sighed. A lock of light, brown hair fell in her face and she brushed it away with a slow hand. Her golden eyes scanned the outside world with a longing glance. The sun was beginning to set, shooting splashes of pink, orange and yellow across the sky. The trees, now dimmed with the fading light, waved lazily in a gentle breeze. Sona slowly opened the window; a pleasant smell wafted in. She smiled widely, enjoying the breeze, her white teeth glowing in the sunlight.

Then she heard a ruckus near the fence, and her grin faded. The gate swung open and a rabble of noisy boys crowded in. They were cheering and whooping and clapping the back of the person in front. He said nothing; instead he smiled and laughed along with the others. His eyes flashed to the window, and he gave a ceeky grin. Sona turned her head in disgust. How different Lark and Zenda have become ever since they discovered that they were the gods! She thought.

She was so lost in thought that she leapt when she felt a small hand tap her shoulder. She turned her gaze from the window to see Carla, a short, shy girl with fluffy black hair standing right ext to her. "Um, S-Sona?" She stammered. "Yes?" Sona asked wearily. "What do you want?" Carla blushes and looked away. "Um, well, it's just that, you know, err, Lark may be, umm, your twin and all,and uh, the Wind God, but, um, you really should, you knw, concentrate on your homework-"
"He is no twin of mine!" Sona snapped. Carla flinched. "And anyway, it doesn't seem fair that he is the od. I ean, I was born first!" Sona grumbled loudly. "Well, um, it's just that, the deity-that is, to say, the god-has always been, umm, a male." Carla stuttered. Sona turned back to the window.

She snorted. "Hah! Who can even prove that he is one of the gods, anyway?" Carla made a little moaning sound. "Are'nt the divine powers supposed to awaken when you create a large enough following? Yet I've never seen Lark or Zenda do anything paranormal! Ever!"

Carla's moaning sound grew loudr, and Sona looked up in surprise. She suddenly saw Lark standing in the doorway, a snarl on his face. Carla's face was horrified, looking at Lark's face first, then Sona's. "What do you want?" She growled angrily.

A faint twitch of his fingers was all the warning she had before he drew his training sword and leapt at her.

She fell to the ground quickly and pulled her knees up to her chest. Lark flew over her and looked mutinous. Sona grinned and kicked her legs up with all of her might. She hit him right in the stomach and sent him flying up to hit the ceiling. She quickly rolled out ofthe way as he hit the ground heavily. His sword clattered on the hard wooden floor and came to a rest near Sona's feet. She bent to pick it up, but Lark staggered to his feet and uttered a choked cry. He leapt at her, knocking her to the ground.

Lark jumped up, leaving Sona on te ground, groaning, santched up his sword and held it close to his chest, like it was something precious. "Don't EVER touch my sword!" He growled.

Carla gasped and ran over to Sona. She coughed and sat up. A moan escaped her lips and she held her head. A tiny trickle of blood oozed down the side of her face from a cut on her forehead. Carla shrieked uner her breath and almost dropped her.

Lark stood above them, a look of horror on his face. He stared at the blade-stained blae, then bolted for the door. Sona's breathing slowed, and she shut her eyes.