I'm aliiiiiiiiive!!!!!!!!!!! :D

"The trouble with doing something suspicious for a living is that your coworkers will likely be suspicious, too, and you will find yourself entangled in a web of suspicion, even during your lunch hour."

I'M NOT DEAD!!!!!!!!!! 8D I keep putting off posting... How long has it been since I last posted? Like, 2 months??? I'm sorry!!!!!!!

Tonight my aunt and uncle and 3 cousins are coming from Tennessee to visit!!!!!!!! X3 I can't waaaaaaaiiiittt!!!!!!!! I don't get to see the til tomorrow, tho, cuz they don't come till late.

I took my AP test on Friday... *shudders* AP human geography. Hard. Very, very hard. And I don't get my result till JULY!!!!!!!!!! Why must they torture us so?????? They have to send our tests away to TEXAS to be graded by PROFESSIONAL GRADERS. Gaaaaah!!!!!!! I want it NOW!!!!! ... On the bright side, I now have all my grades in for human geo and there are NO MORE TESTS!!!!!!!!

This Saturday I get to go canoeing w/ my human geo class... that should be lotsa fun. ^_^ We're canoeing on moving water... Oooooo... I'll probably fall in. XD And then we're going to my teacher's house for a bbq... apparently his wife makes very good strawberry shortcake. *shrugs* XD

And then later on Saturday I'm going to my Poppop's surprise b-day party!!!! :D Yaaay!!!!!! X3 Cake and food galore!!! XD

No school Monday!!!!!! Yesssss!!!!! XD Yay for Memorial Day!!! ^_^ And I had a 2 hour early dismissal today... >w<

I've read all the Twilight books. Amazingest. Books. EVER. And I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Edward. He is... well, amazing!!!!!!!! XD Lucky Bella.

I recently watched the movies Willow, City of Angels, and My Best Friend's Wedding. Good movies all around. ^_^ Willow is a fantasy about a dwarf (they had a special name for their race, but I forget. >_w
