Passing Days?

It had been what Kita thought to be at least a week since she was dumped in her cell. Morning finally came or at least what she believed was morning. There were no windows. No outside light source. Nothing but a small energy of light that lit her cell from above. If her cell was more than ten foot by ten foot she was lucky. She had a bed, a pillow and a blanket, and a small table beside the bed. The area was dank and poorly lit and moans, complaints and cries were heard from a distance. And that was not just that morning. That was every morning and the only noises that she could hear. No birds singing. No sound of the wind rustling the leaves. Nor of the crickets that told of the evening temperatures. No bubbling of the creeks or running of water in streams. No laughter or cheerful talking. Only the doomed and gloomy cries and moans of sentenced men.

She was sitting to her bed her knees drawn up to her chest arms wrapped tightly around her legs as her head rested to her bended knees. She remembered everything so vividly when standing in front of Yamamoto. The look in his eyes, his overpowering reiatsu the heat climbing to unbearable temperatures. It reminded her of Phoenix and she started to chuckle to herself.

“What a time for me to finally stick up for myself.” She thought aloud. “If I had only done this with Aizen and the others in Las Noches. I might not be here right now.” She chuckled a little more then suddenly became sadden as a new thought came to mind. Tsukiro. Was he alright? Did Yamamoto sentence already? She was sure by now he had. What has become of him?

“Tsukiro. I have not see him in his dreams. At least not since I have been locked away down here. If he is still alive I am sure he is still mad at me. I lied. Everything he did for me I turned it on him and made it in vain.” She lifted her head from its resting position and let it hit the stone wall behind her. It hit with a sound thud. “I told him I loved him. I swore I would never reveal that to him. I am such an idiot!” She exclaimed hitting her head on the wall behind her a few more times. “Everything just went to hell in a handbag! What the hell was I thinking! Everything was beyond logical thought.” She stopped banging her head against the stone wall and looked up at the dim light above her cell. Tears stained her cheeks. “Why? I have made things such a huge mess now. You better not be dead Tsukiro. I would hate to have to pass judgment of the Soul Society for putting you to death.”
