The world lies shrouded in darkness.
The winds die,
The sea rages,
The earth rots.
But the people believe in a prophecy...
'When the world lies in darkness Four Warriors will come...'
After a long journey, four young warriors arrive,
and clutched in the hand of each...

...a crystal....
Welcome, to MageHome. This is where you belong...
If not, Learn to be Lonely, as I have...

Eiko Carol

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This is Eiko, the cutest summoner ever! I want to cosplay as her!
BALTHIER: Alas, you're too tall...
ME: *sniff* Be quiet, you pirate...

Black Waltz No. 1

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Look at that gay little bell...
But, he is a black waltz, so I guess it's alright.

Black Waltz No. 2

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Okay, I did NOT know that this one was a woman...

LADY MAGE: *sniff* s-sister????

Black Waltz No. 3

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I always felt kinda sorry for this villain...
Black Waltz, maybe it's not too late,
To learn how to love,
And forget how to hate...

Vivi's Human!

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Two things I want: (1) More human cutie-Vivi (2) Some Vivi manga...or whever
(i'm bad with names sometimes)