Yet another "in the meantime"....

so...yeah. i am sick today an am quite bored. i feel dizzy...IKKKK!! the only good thing about being sick is that i get to watch anime all day. And, yeah...this is another "in the meantime" of the new contest. hope someone enters, tho. just something to do cuz i am bored and don't really have anything to say...except that the contest ends on May 23rd the day i go to anime boston, in which i am overly excited about since it's my first con and all. i hope i meet a lot of new friends and friendly ppl who are just like me. whouldn't that be great?? So yeah...i guess i'll be seeing you all l8er then!!

Count Down update:7 MORE DAYS!!!! i do believe( faries! haha. peter pan!!)
