the endevors of eating

How does it feel to be hyper? Awesome, as if sugar were your fuel and you were a rocket or perhaps a nyan-cat shooting through space with a trail of rainbows in your wake. Ahhhhh, sugar. What could we achieve without you? Speaking of food, how do you like meatloaf? Then you can appreciate this. It's just a description of my diet for today ( o rly??)

I had to swallow the food I put in my mouth, I had been taught that from child hood but was it worth the meatloaf I had shoved there now causing such mental distress? I choked it down, the crumble-y meat chunks like culinary gravel to my expensive palette. I rushed to the fridge to pour myself a glass of creamy milk. To no avail! The low-grade beef had scarred my tongue; metaphorically speaking of course.

I remembered the good eats I had consumed earlier, even if I had a preference for quality meat I had no problems with store brand sweets. It was a Fred Myers blackberry mini pie, and how incredibly sweet it was! Like a blackberry itself, a real one that is. So bold! So sugary! Imposing like thorns to my mouth and fragile like the little fruit squishing on a midsummer evening. Ahhhh bliss is this..... cheap baked goods.....

what can i say, i love pie!
