I am tehmekemonster! If you are looking for random tidbits and words you've come to the right place! You can read as much as you want of that here! Feel free to tell me what you think of all of it too! Writing it doesn't do me any good if no one tells me how it could be better!!

have fun, okay?

advice for the fanfiction writer

how can i discribe fanfiction? fanfiction is like a big muddy river, there is so much wrong with it anything good about it gets muddled and covered up. so i compiled a few pointers i think will help you turn your fic into that one gem of the fanfic world. here we go

1: i cannot stress enough the importance of a non-mary sue being your OC. if you use an OC in your fanfic. if you don't think you know what a "mary sue" is you may have seen one already. a mary sue is perfect and has the world bend around them, a mary sue is almost always the fault of the writer. one way to avoid making a mary sue is to avoid making an OC or any character you create like yourself. you'll want all the skills and all the advantages and you are the writer so why not right? because no one like them, they make a story boring not interesting. trust me!

2: a horrible backstory doesn't make your character better, it's hard to read a story when it's angsty protagonist makes you want to punch yourself in the face. a hard life is no excuse for your character, just like with real people they can't be all bad.

3: there was once a saying "the eyes are the windows to the soul" and they can be, but be careful with the "their eyes hold sorrow" and the like. it sounds poetic sure, but if you do that with every character it will get old.(and almost everyone does so try to avoid it)

4: super poetic writing is like raw suger, if you use too much your writing gets grainy and sickening. eww. if you always use it try telling instead of discribing

and that's all for today thanks for reading

Pony tiem: the rainbow dash

hey guys, i got ponies on the brain! have you ever seen my little pony: friendship is magic? no? watch it with an open mind and see what i mean. yes? good job you might be able to appreciate this.

lately i have had nothing but rainbow dash zooming between my ears. i figure that if i look up to her so i should train to be like her. here goes, this exercize plan should do the trick. a little something i like to call "The Rainbow Dash"


wind sprints: find a average lenght of house, road or yard and run back and forth. count each length, try to make each go faster then the other. after ten lenghts walk two, this is just the start, pace yourself.

hamstrings: sit back against a wall legs out front. reach for the toes then the sky, hold each reach for at least thirty seconds. experts tell us that a strech is most effective if held for that long.

endurance: jog in place for thirty seconds then drop and do ten push-ups. try this a least ten rounds of push-ups.

the workout:

squats: grab a weight, weather that is a real lead weight or just a fat kitty hold it away from you and do some squats. remember to lower yourself close to the ground. this should workout your arms and legs.

jacks: jumping jack tiem!!! 30 regular jacks 10 crunches 30 regular jacks 10 more crunches. follow this pattern until you've done 120 jumping jacks.

strength: grab your weight again and do arm curls in sets of ten. this is the end of the work out so make it count!

cool down:

stretches: stand tall and reach up. count to ten and reach down to your toes. count to ten, repeat.
bring your arm across your neck and pull the elbow into the shoulder. next push that elbow behind your head. repeat with the other arm.

take some deep breaths and do some streching on your own.

good job! i hope you enjoy this as much as i do! have fun becoming 20% cooler!

the story of ranting

maybe i should rename this lazy blog because i'm so bad about updating! i told myself i would...... that's good for today.

the story of all hallows eve

so i looked up the history behind all hallows eve. it isn't based off of a pagan religion, it's based off of the catholic religion and it celebrates the lost of loved ones, and how much fun they must be having in heaven without us, isn't that cool?

i also looked up a few superstions about halloween, if it's catholic then where did all the worrisome tales of sprits and ghosts come from? that's the real question, you see christians aren't supposed to believe in luck or superstitions of any kind. no witchcraft, no fortune-telling, not even good or bad luck, why would an origninally catholic holiday have so much evil satanic and pagan conotation?! and why are people so scared? isn' fun to be frightened? even if it's just once a year.....?

the story of love

love hurts. if there is one thing i know about love it is that love is painful in a way that nothing else is. i really hate it, what is it good for? but at the same time i have to have it! i love love! ahhhh! i can't stand it. LOVE Y U SO MEAN?!

all the time i think about love, and that doesn't help me but i haven't found a way to not think about it, it's equally impossible to think you can ignore love.

i sound totally wimpy, i'm gonna to stab myself now, bye.